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Texas woman looking to buy zip ties at Home Depot somehow ends up in Mexico: "This is a mistake.."

Little did she know that it would soon turn into a nerve-wracking experience. 
 A customer entering a Home Depot store | Getty Images | Photo by Justin Sullivan
A customer entering a Home Depot store | Getty Images | Photo by Justin Sullivan

A Texas woman recently went viral after she accidentally reached Mexico while trying to find a Home Depot. Trinity Jackson, @thetrinityjackson, posted a video explaining that she went to El Paso for two weeks to spend time with her mother. She says she needed to get away from Houston where she lives.

She had dropped her mum, who reminded her to get the zip ties from Home Depot, so Jackson who was new to the area decided to simply type in the information on her phone which showed her that the nearest Home Depot was around 6 miles away from where she was. Little did she know that it would soon turn into a nerve-wracking experience. 

Image Source: TikTok | @thetrinityjackson
Image Source: TikTok | @thetrinityjackson

She starts driving with her dogs in the back seat and suddenly sees the sign that reads, "Port of Juarez," which is the port connecting El Paso and Cuidad Juarez, Mexico. "Mind you, at this point, I’m already way too close to the sign to put two and two together, and I realize I am now exiting America and heading to Mexico," she says in the video. 

She soon realizes that there is no way she can turn back to the United States. "I wanna stay in America, I don’t want to leave America, alright? I love Team USA," Jackson says. With nowhere to go but straight, she approached the Border Patrol, who didn't seem to know English, and Jackson was not well-versed in Spanish. 

Image Source: TikTok | @thetrinityjackson
Image Source: TikTok | @thetrinityjackson

She was then asked to show her valid vehicle registration, which she had forgotten to carry. Thankfully she was carrying her other documents which included her passport and driver's license. He then agreed to help her and told the next agent that she had come here by accident. He also warned her that next time when she arrives in Mexico by accident, she shouldn't just stay inside the car, but rather step out to ask for help. 

"The whole time in my head, one thing for sure, two things for sure, this is never happening again. This is a mistake you make once. Once," Jackson says in the video. "I don’t care about the zip ties. The zip ties will be there tomorrow. I’m gonna crochet, drink some wine, and go to bed in America," she adds. 

Image Source: TikTok | @AlmaMartinez
Image Source: TikTok | @AlmaMartinez

She later posted another video, in which she explained that she wasn’t scared to be in Mexico but was worried that she didn't intend to get there and was unprepared. Moreover, she was also concerned about her dogs. 

Image Source: TikTok | @AyeYoooooooo
Image Source: TikTok | @AyeYoooooooo

Many took to the video to talk about the situation, @theonlyab writes, "I’m driving straight home, music of, two hands on the wheel," while @keefrmda4 writes, "I went to El Paso once and T-Mobile texted me “welcome to Mexico” while I was driving ….. I panicked so bad." Some people from other states talked about their situations, @kokobunnz writes, "Lol us in Michigan missing the exit next thing you know you're in Canada."

You Can Follow Trinity Jackson, (@thetrinityjackson), on TikTok.

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