'Family Feud' contestant shames her husband with a wild answer and gets booed by the audience

Going by the name, "Family Feud" may sound like a family-friendly show, but at times both questions and answers get a bit too suggestive. There have been instances when husbands have landed in awkward positions in front of wives, and sons embarrassed moms. But tables were turned in the case of Shanelle, who called out her man for being weak in the bed, in front of a live audience and on TV.

In a short clip of the episode shared on social media, host Steve Harvey called on two contestants to the buzzer to face off and win a chance to play the game with their family. One of the players was Shanelle Butler who was soon going to get in trouble with her loud mouth. With the two players at the podium, Harvey asked the question, "What’s a word starting with “W” that describes your man in bed?" Butler was the first to hit the buzzer and she was ready with the answer. When the host pointed at her, she wasted no time and said, "Weak".

Naturally, it wasn't the best word to describe a man in bed, and her response prompted booing and groans from the audience. Even the seasoned host felt bad for whoever Shanelle was referring to as he stared down at the podium. “Bruh, whoever you are…” Harvey said as he gave a concerned expression.

While Shanelle's answer was awkward, things got worse as “Weak” did not appear among the top six answers on the board. While she lost the respect of the audience, she lost out on points as well. Those watching at home were just as shocked as the live audience in the studio. "Well she’s getting divorced lmao," @izz_the_1 wrote on the Instagram post. "Tell me you want a divorce, without telling me you want a divorce," @billeleus quipped.
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Some even suggested what the correct response should have been. "It should be wild 😂😂😂," @maybe.__.ro0hi suggested.
Turns out, this wasn't the first time that the question was featured on the show. Previously, Harvey had asked the very same thing to two different families, who came up with totally different answers. That time, the top answers to feature on the board were 'Wonderful, and Wild', which seem to be the better choices. However, even in that episode, one strange answer showed up on the board which allowed a family to steal all the points.
Taking on the game was the Mikula family, who had to come up with one right answer to steal all the points from their opponents. Walking up to the desk, Harvey asked the question to the player named D.J. After a discussion with his teammates, the player said, "Well Steve in my bedroom, it's known to get a little 'weird'," the contestant said.
As it was a 'weird' response, the audience burst into laughter while Harvey stared at the player blankly. However, unlike Shanelle's answer, the response earned D.J. some points as it appeared at the fifth spot.