11-Year-Old Makes $100 Profit From a $10 Thrift Store Find

Imagine feeling like you have hit the lottery when you discover something incredibly awesome at a thrift shop. Hold on though because this 11-year-old might just surpass your discovery. It's difficult for us adults to locate something amazing in a secondhand store and turn a profit on it. There's also no assurance that anyone would want to buy anything you discover even if it is excellent. However, locating and selling things is not a big concern for this fifth grader. TikTok user @fleamarketflipper is really good at identifying quality used items to sell for money. But he wasn't the one who made a fantastic discovery this time. It was his 11-year-old daughter.

This girl has learned tricks from watching her parents make extra money by selling used stuff on eBay. They have made thousands from their finds and shared their know-how with their kids. So, this girl knew just what to do. The girl saw an old cash register at one of their previous trips to the thrift store and believed it would sell for a decent price. (To be honest, I doubt I would have noticed or purchased it at all.) However, she chose to purchase it for $10 and try her hand at selling it online. She's prepared to work hard since she's been saving for a Kindle for the summer. She cleaned the cash register and listed it for sale on eBay with her parents when they got home.
The user reactions were so heartwarming. "I’ve been doing this thanks to the help of my parents since I was 14, now I’m 17 and did 60k in sales last year, on track to hit 80k this year! Love it!" said Camden.

Another user exclaimed, "That is so sweet that you are helping her! Teach her good work ethic pays off!"

The parents learned that the cash register was sold a few days later. And what do you know? It sold for a whopping $174.99. This girl made $124 in profit after deducting the initial cost, shipping costs, and eBay seller fees.
In a similar incident, a tiny vase that was picked up from a UK thrift store for £2.50 ($3.30) proved to be a great discovery; it might bring up to £9,000 ($11,800) at an upcoming auction. The vase, which is under 10 centimeters (four inches) in diameter, was found by Karen and Ahmet in Surrey, England. It has attracted a lot of interest from the art community.
Confirmed to be the creation of Japanese ceramist Namikawa Yasuyuki, renowned for his superb cloisonné work, the vase's historical significance and fine craftsmanship add to its remarkable price. Karen and Ahmet stumbled upon the vase during a casual visit to a charity shop with Ahmet's eye for art leading them to notice its etched marks. Despite lacking expertise, they purchased it and sought expert valuation. Specialists confirmed it as Yasuyuki's creation from the Meiji period, renowned for his intricate cloisonné work. The vase's depiction of cockerels and hens on a black background showcases Yasuyuki's signature style, adding to its appeal for collectors.
@fleamarketflipper $10 turned into $175! Our 11 year old has a good eye for things that could be expensive! She really wanted to buy a Kindle for reading this summer and I think this sale helped her make it happen! We used to do cash envelopes with the kids but this past year we got them @Greenlight cards and we really like them! We can allocate money to spending, saving & investing. Not a sponsored post… but it should be! 😉 #ebay #reseller #ebayseller #ebayreseller #thrift #greenlightcard ♬ Oldies rock and roll in 50s(911699) - Canal Records JP
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