Social Media User Discovers Affordable Source of Nutrition in Lentils; Netizens Share Recipes

Something that's a staple in one part of the world, may turn out to be a completely new experience and something exotic for people far away. But social media has created a space where people from different cultures can interact and explore food from the comfort of their home. Lentils may be consumed on a daily basis in parts of South Asia, but Recently a Redditor who came across them shared love for lentils on the platform, calling other users to share recipes. The Redditor (@hmorrow) said they were in love with lentils in a post on the forum r/Frugal.
In the post, the user wrote, “I just discovered lentils, and wow… my life has changed.” The user further added that they were 25 years old, had just discovered the power of lentils, and are now loving it.

The Redditor touched on a pretty important point when it comes to food and plant-based proteins like lentils.
Lentils as a power food and source of protein
Lentils are extremely nutritious as they are high in fiber and complex carbohydrates while being low in fat and calories. Moreover, lentils have a high protein content making it perfect for fitness enthusiasts or those who are looking for plant-based protein sources.
Chef Charles Guilloy's lentil dahl is one of 550 dishes served to the 15,000 athletes at the Paris Olympics, where up to 40 tons of food will be cut up and cooked daily - inspired by different cultures
— Reuters (@Reuters) January 29, 2024
Lentils are also naturally gluten-free, making them a staple in a gluten-free kitchen, and due to their low glycemic index values, they are preferred by diabetic patients as well. As per, about half a cup serving of cooked lentils provides 12 grams of protein, 273 mg of potassium, 32% of the daily fiber intake, and 15% of daily iron needs. Lentils are also rich in folate and magnesium and a relatively cheaper source of nutrition. Above all, they are a great replacement for animal proteins, and can potentially help reduce the environmental impact of meat production by compensating for the nutritional needs.
Lentil recipes from Reddit
Other Redditors who have already embraced the power of lentils shared their favorite lentil types and recipes on OP's post. Several users shared that lentils are famous, particularly in Ethiopia and India, where they are used in several dishes. However, one user cautioned that they are hard to cook, but another user shared tips to cook lentils better.

One of them shared their method of cooking chickpeas with an Indian twist. The user even went on to recommend a brand of lentils to use for the recipe.

Meanwhile, another Redditor shared an interesting recipe for lentil wraps and lentil tacos which surprisingly sound easy to prepare. The user said that to make the lentil wraps, simply put boiling water (a broth or spices can be used to add flavor) on the lentils and wait for them to cool down. Next, take the lentils and blend them into a paste to make the wraps. The batter can also be baked into hard taco shells.

Another easy-to-prepare recipe was a lentil cup. For this, a user recommended using a cup of green lentils mixed with sautéed onion and carrot. The cup is dressed with some red wine vinegar, olive oil, salt, pepper, and herbs and topped off with feta cheese and spice sausage.

User @bain_de_beurre mentioned how cooked lentils freeze well, writing, "Cooked lentils freeze really well. When I buy them I cook the whole bag at once, then just portion out and freeze whatever I'm not using that particular day."