Here's Why Veteran 'Harry Potter' Star David Bradley Also Sings at Weddings

It has become a common perception that celebrities earn enough to sustain extravagant lifestyles, but there's more to it than meets the eye. It's difficult to imagine a celebrity having to take up side gigs, considering the fact that they have hectic lifestyles. Even with successful professions in acting, singing, or dancing, some celebrities still need extra work for a number of reasons.

David Bradley's hidden talent
David Bradley, well known for playing Filch in the "Harry Potter" films, has an unexpected side gig other than acting, which requires him to sing at weddings! This veteran actor, who is 81 years old, plays the lead vocals in a rock cover band called Heartbreak Soup UK. He also played at a Leamington Spa bar for a charitable function recently. While talking about their upcoming Channel 5 drama, "Coma" with co-star Jason Watkins, the information regarding his hidden ability was revealed during an episode of "The One Show."
Jason Watkins's collaboration with David Bradley
"The Crown" star Aaron Watkins made an appearance on the BBC program to discuss his next four-part drama series, "Coma" which debuts on March 18, 2024. In the show, Watkins plays Simon, a composed family guy who takes strong action when a teenager threatens his family. Conversely, David Bradley portrays Simon's sour neighbor who happens to be present when the incident occurs.
Watkins, 61, said on stage that he was thrilled to be working with Bradley and called him a star. He looked back at his early years of starting his own profession and seeing Bradley perform live. Famous for his parts in "Game of Thrones" and "Harry Potter," Bradley stunned Watkins by demonstrating his amazing dancing abilities and disclosing his identity as the lead singer in a band. Watkins recalled a night out where Bradley danced wildly for two hours straight, sharing a memorable moment from their time spent filming in Budapest. He also brought up Bradley's work with his family band, which he sang versions of at weddings as a wedding vocalist. Bradley's real joy for life is evident in his work and attitude, according to Watkins, who commended Bradley's zest for life.

Other celeb side hustles
Jason Derulo, known for his catchy tunes and energetic performances, is also a smart investor and businessman. The 33-year-old singer has invested in Rocket Car Wash, a company that offers a unique monthly subscription service providing unlimited car washes. Derulo has humorously admitted that investing in a car wash might not be the most glamorous endeavor, but the impressive $2 billion valuation of the business certainly makes it a profitable one. So, while he may still sing his name in his songs, Jason Derulo is also establishing himself as a savvy entrepreneur, redefining his identity beyond just entertainment.

In addition to his music and love of marijuana, 90-year-old Willie Nelson was the owner of a biofuel business that tried to lessen the United States' dependency on foreign oil. Supporting farmers and promoting domestic fuel generation, Nelson's company, BioWillie, has operations in Texas, Oregon, and a service station in Maui, Hawaii.