'Shark Tank' stars Barbara Corcoran and Kevin O'Leary had to kiss for a product — then came her reaction

"Shark Tank" investors are known for participating in pitches that can range from innovative to bizarre, be it taking a plunge in cold water on set or licking a cat. Apart from this, interactions between them, including spats, also make news on social media. Young inventors Dallas Robinson and Mike Bounomo introduced a unique yet tempting beauty product on "Shark Tank" through their firm, Kisstixx, which featured high-quality lip balms that came in two compatible flavors and released a sensual chemical reaction when mixed. Then, to the amusement of the sharks, Robinson and Bounomo requested investors Barbara Corcoran and Kevin O'Leary to try the fire and ice combination. "For you guys, we brought with us our fully functional kissing booth. It always features a beautiful lady so Barbara we were wondering if you could come down and help us on this one," they said. "Barbara, you're already hot enough so for you, we got some ice to cool you down," the duo flirted while handing out the ice lip balm.
"You know a little hot-headed we've got the fire for you," the entrepreneurs teased O'Leary. Robert Herjavec cut in, "Are you really going to kiss Kevin?" to which Corcoran replied, "No. I hope not," burying her face in her palms. "Listen Barbara if I turn to stone I'm going to be pretty unhappy," O'Leary joked to ease the palpable situation. "Come on let's try it out," he prodded while Corcoran sat frozen, laughing nervously. "Don't get your dentures locked," Daymond John mocked as Herjavec took out his phone to capture the hilarious moment. "I feel the fire! I feel the fire!" O'Leary exclaimed before Corcoran closed her eyes and just gave him a peck on the lips.
They tried once more with the rest of the sharks laughing in the background; however, after their viral makeout, Corcoran and O'Leary gave a pass to the lip balm. "Now I didn't turn to stone when I kissed Barbara but what's interesting is that the two people that kissed aren't doing the deals," the Chairman of O'Leary Ventures declared, crushing the hopes of Robinson and Bounomo. According to Women, Mark Cuban agreed to their $200,000 ask in return for twice as much equity as they had originally proposed for their flavored lip balms. Meanwhile, in an amusing twist, Corcoran described O'Leary's lips as "soft."
The producers forced them to kiss three times during season six while they tried out different wedding pitches. Corcoran revealed the fact on a Facebook post and wrote, "How many times have I married Kevin O'Leary on Shark Tank? The answer of course is three times, which the producers made us do for different wedding-related pitches. By the way, the first two times I refused to kiss him, but then the third time I thought what the heck, I’ll give it a try. He had surprisingly very soft lips!"
As per CNBC, the American businesswoman once called O'Leary "mean" for rudely rejecting a deal. O'Leary was about to close an offer with a broom company when the inventor insisted on including Lori Greiner. This upset Mr. Wonderful, and he backed out, saying, “Get out of there. I’m gone. I’m an investor. I had the 500 [thousand dollars]. It was in your hand, and you’re talking to her? You’re out of here. See ya, buddy. Goodbye, take the broom.” Corcoran, who was watching the interaction, felt bad for the inventor and reacted, “Too mean," leaving O'Leary agitated.