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'Price is Right' host Drew Carey seemed offended after reading what was written on player's T-shirt

Carey made sure he kept reminding the contestant who the new legend on the show was.
Screenshot showing the contestant wearing a special Price Is Right t-shirt, alongside Drew Carey (Cover image source: YouTube/Price Is Right)
Screenshot showing the contestant wearing a special Price Is Right t-shirt, alongside Drew Carey (Cover image source: YouTube/Price Is Right)

Drew Carey may not be the first host of "The Price is Right" to gain widespread popularity across America, but he has definitely achieved iconic status on the small screen. He has done well to fill the shoes of legendary host Bob Barker, but comparisons between the two are natural from a fan's point of view. Although most agree that both Carey and Barker are legends in their own right, there was a contestant who felt the latter had an edge over the current host.

The player named Jeffrey who appeared in Carey's 'birthday special' episode, wore a t-shirt that seemingly offended the host and his team, as it compared him to Barker.

Screenshot showing Jeffrey alongside Drew Carey (Image source: The Price Is Right: CBS | The US Sun)
Screenshot showing Jeffrey alongside Drew Carey (Image source: The Price Is Right: CBS | The US Sun)

It wasn't Jeffrey's first time on the stage, and his shirt revealed that he was on the show 30 years ago, when Barker was the host. He had a picture of him and the legendary host printed on the front of his t-shirt, along with the year, 1994. "Wow, a young Jeffrey with Bob Barker!" Carey remarked as the player embraced him on stage. However, the mood changed as Carey looked at the back of Jeffrey's t-shirt, which was blank except for the words “2024 with the soon-to-be legendary Drew Carey” printed at the top. As Carey read the line, the player explained that he needed a picture with him for the back of the t-shirt. 

Screenshots showing Jeffrey's t-shirt
Screenshots showing Jeffrey's t-shirt (Image source: The Price Is Right: CBS | The US Sun)

Carey's smile vanished as he looked at the audience and asked, “Soon to be legendary?” Reading the room, Jeffrey just awkwardly laughed and clapped as he tried to hide behind Drew. The joke not only offended Carey, but it upset the show's announcer George Gray as well. “That’s our show! Good night, everybody!” Gray joked, implying that Jeffrey wouldn't be playing the game. 

Screenshot showing the contestant's reaction
Screenshot showing the contestant's reaction (Image source: The Price Is Right: CBS | The US Sun)

After the break, Carey said that Jeffrey had seemingly converted and he was now a fan of the 'Legendary Drew Carey'. However, the host did not let the 'legendary' phrase go. "George, what do we have for Jeffrey here, who seems to have, converted," the host said. He kept repeating the phrase as he introduced the "One Away" game that Jeffrey was about to play for a brand new Hyundai Elantra car. "There we have 'soon to be legendary' Manuela Arbeláez there," Carey quipped. Carey then went on to explain the game, and before starting it, he joked, "That was a legendary explanation."

In the "One Away" game, the contestant is shown a fake retail price of a car. Each of the digits is 'one away' from the correct digit, and the contestant has to move them 'up or down' to land on the correct prize.

Screenshot showing the set up for the game (Image source: YouTube/Price Is Right/Triniswagg92 Beastmode)
Screenshot showing the set up for the game (Image source: YouTube/Price Is Right/Triniswagg92 Beastmode)

In Jeffrey's game, he got four out of the five digits right. He was then given a chance to change one of the numbers to get the correct price. While he seemed confident about the change, he failed to land on the correct number and lost the car.


Nevertheless, the player got to share the stage with both legendary hosts of the show, and he revealed that he previously won a car, so it wasn't all bad.

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