Steve Harvey roasts 'Family Feud' contestant over her wild answer — then he saw the game board

Steve Harvey was known for gaffes that turned into memes even beyond "Family Feud," and on a memorable occasion, he announced the wrong contestant as Miss Universe. He also likes to take witty jibes at contestants on the game show, but his enthusiasm to roast people often lands him in a spot when they're right. One such incident took place when a player got a confusing question wrong but her answer turned out to be correct.

In the episode, Harvey was playing the game with the Bazos family who had just won the face-off to play the question, "Name a specific place you could be where you might not want any visitors." The game went fairly normally with the initial few team members giving out points-winning answers like "The toilet", "At work", "On a date", and so on. However, when the turn went to Francine, things got a bit tricky for the host, as she came up with the answer, "Jail." While her team members hyped her up saying it was a good answer, Harvey didn't think so. "No it's not!" he yelled. "Ya'll are saying this because you have never been to jail," he added while roasting the player.

But things went south for the host when he pointed to the survey board, and the response showed up at the sixth spot. However, Harvey quickly shrugged off the embarrassment saying "That's funny," before moving on.
This wasn't the only time that the survey board embarrassed Harvey. During another episode, he was playing the game with the Owens and the Frazier families, with the question, "Not many people have seen you naked. Name one." Grady was the first to buzz in and he answered with "Children." While the answer showed up on the board, the competitor Raydeane had a better answer, "Husband."

The Owens family chose to play the game and the turn went to the next team member, Seth. The player answered, "Parents" and earned some more points for the family. Harvey then walked up to the next player, Jaymee who got the question wrong. She answered, "My boss" triggering chaos in the studio, and it was only then that she realized that the question wasn't about naming someone who hadn't seen her naked, but was instead about someone who had. "No. No. No," she yelled asking Harvey to scrap the answer.

However, Harvey wasn't having it. "I thought you said who hasn't. That's why I was confused," Jaymee explained but the host refused to accept the request and went on to mimic and roast the player. "You the only one in this damn building, [who didn't get the question]," Harvey said.
The host then turned to the survey board as one family member yelled "Shock us" in the background. And, that's exactly what the board did as the answer showed up at the last spot on the board. While the family celebrated, Harvey stared blankly into the player's eyes who was still shrugging. "She still doesn't want the answer," he yelled. He then made one last joke saying, "Wow. That's what you call job security."

The turn was passed on to the next member, Christopher, who answered with "The doctor." The seemingly appropriate answer did not disappoint as it showed up at the fourth spot on the board. Following this, three others failed to guess the right answers leading to three strikes.
The turn then went to the Frazier family who had a chance of stealing all the points. Taking the mic, Nicole went with her family's collective answer "Your ex." Luckily for them, the answer showed up on the board, and the family won.