'Price is Right' contestant falls while spinning the wheel — later returns to the show on crutches

“The Price is Right” is a lot about luck and decoding prices, but there are games that require some physical strength as contestants spin wheels and throw punches. These also come with their fair share of risks as people have ended up hurting themselves by falling over or punching too hard. In one such incident, the victim was a woman named Judy who took a tumble after she spun the wheel. Despite her injury, she insisted to stay and play the Showcase round.
As Judy spun the wheel, it seemed like she had tried harder than she could handle since she squatted too close to the floor and took a tumble while getting up. During that moment, she twisted her ankle which can be quite painful. However, the contestant was smiling throughout regardless of her experience, before admitting, “I think I twisted my ankle.”

The next round was the Showcase and Judy was seen standing on crutches. For viewers at home, host Drew Carey explained what was going on. “As you saw on the wheel spin, Judy took a tumble on the wheel spin and hurt her ankle,” he said. The contestant said that she was feeling alright when asked but the host informed fans that she would be taken to a nearby hospital for a proper check-up after the show was over.

Then, it was time to play Showcase and Judy had a chance to win a trip to Washington DC and a brand-new car.
It would have been nice if she was able to win the Showcase but that was not the case. Her opponent Kenyati’s bid was closer to the price of his prizes and Judy had to accept defeat despite all the effort. However, she was not too disappointed with her performance. After all, she was one of the few “The Price is Right” contestants to have completed the game after being injured, and that takes a degree of resilience she can be proud of.
The big wheel is an integral part of the show but it has its fair share of victims. On one occasion, a contestant named Renne fell flat on her backside after spinning it. Thankfully, she did not suffer a serious injury. Maybe if Judy also fell on her back instead of trying to get up, her ankle would have been fine.
Then there was an elderly woman named Dorothy, who made it all the way to the big wheel. She too ended up being a victim of the contraption as she fell after spinning out. Things would have been a lot more serious had she suffered an injury there but thankfully, it was nothing more than a light tumble.