'Price is Right' model was in disbelief after she gives away a Disneyland trip to player by mistake

Just like “The Price is Right” host Drew Carey is seen giving away prizes or bending rules after making blunders on the show, models also end up making mistakes that can be costly. One of them has even been seen handing out a car to a contestant, while another crashed an automobile into the sets. Something similar happened on the show when model Amber Lancaster inadvertently gave away a prize to a contestant, which was the best thing she could've asked for.
The contestant was a woman named Alexandria who at the time was pursuing a major in the hospitality sector. She was playing to win two prizes which were, a maid service for the entire year, and an all-expenses-paid four-night trip to Disneyland. While the prizes were a big deal, it turns out she didn't even have to play for them.

Alexandria was playing a game in which two prices were displayed, one for each of the prizes. Carey had asked her if she wanted to switch the prices of the two or keep them as they were. The contestant asked to switch but instead of doing that, Lancaster revealed the price of the maid service. Had the switch been made, the contestant would have left empty-handed from the show. The host was graceful enough to declare her the winner and give her both the prizes in that instant.
“Hey guess what? You’re going to Disneyland,” he said as he shook Alexandria’s hand. She couldn’t believe her luck and was stunned into silence for a moment. Lancaster had her hand over her mouth as she was red with embarrassment. It must have been tough at the moment but Drew Carey is known for being supportive of models in such cases.
Fans also poured their love and appreciation in the comments section after watching the heartwarming moment. “Whoops! Amber made a boo-boo! Good decision on Drew's behalf to give her the prizes,” one user commented. “She knew the contestant was going to lose and took matters into her own hands,” added another.
The models do not usually mess up but when they do, it makes for a memorable moment. Perhaps the most popular clip of “The Price is Right” is of Manuela Arbelaez when she messed up during a game and ended up handing a brand-new car to a contestant. She was also one of the most experienced models on the show and her mistake ended up being iconic.
She was so embarrassed that she even hid behind the board with all the prices on, but fans absolutely loved it. “Credit to this show. They did not fire Manuela for that. And gave the contestant the car. That’s why this is the most liked game show,” one user commented on YouTube. “Everyone won on this actually. The lady won her car, Drew shows how great of a host he is, the producers were nice to Manuela because they knew a lot of publicity out of it, Manuela won our hearts, and we had a healthy laugh,” mentioned another.