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Amid Mass Layoffs Across The Globe, Here's How To Overcome Fear of Losing Your Job

The constant worry of losing one's job can be overwhelming and affect a person's well-being.
Worries about losing their jobs are stressing Americans out | Pexels | Photo by Mikhail Nilov
Worries about losing their jobs are stressing Americans out | Pexels | Photo by Mikhail Nilov

In recent times, many well-known companies and media organizations have been letting go of employees. This news can be distressing for workers in various industries. People read these headlines and start to worry that they might lose their jobs too.

If you're feeling anxious about the possibility of losing your job, you're not the only one. A survey conducted by MyPerfectResume asked nearly 2,000 people about their concerns, and a whopping 85% of Americans expressed their fears of losing their jobs in 2024. This high number shows that many people share this concern.

Image Source: Photo by Kampus Production |Pexels
Employees are stressed out about layoffs | Pexels | Photo by Kampus Production

Christopher Hansen, a professional counselor, explains that even if someone doesn't lose their job during a round of layoffs, the anxiety they feel can be almost as bad as if they did lose their job. This anxiety creates a feeling of uncertainty, like being stuck in a waiting room, wondering if their turn will come next. This constant worry can be overwhelming and affect a person's well-being.

Hansen offers a simple but effective strategy to deal with negative thoughts about losing your job. He suggests taking a few minutes to write down these thoughts when they arise. By doing this, you can identify what triggers these feelings and what beliefs you hold about the situation. For example, if you start worrying after hearing about a colleague losing their job, write down exactly what you are feeling and thinking.

Focusing on the present moment can also help in staying grounded and feeling more in control. Additionally, it's wise to take practical steps to prepare for a potential layoff. This includes updating your resume, setting up job alerts on websites, and seeking guidance from mentors or other professionals. These actions can help you feel more prepared for whatever may come.

Image Source: Photo by Sora Shimazaki | Pexels
Take practical steps to prepare for a potential layoff | Pexels | Photo by Sora Shimazaki

Once you've written down your negative thoughts, Hansen recommends replacing them with positive, realistic statements. For instance, instead of worrying that you might lose your job soon because others did, remind yourself that their situation doesn't necessarily mean the same thing will happen to you. This helps in shifting your mindset from fear to a more balanced perspective.

Outside of work, it's essential to engage in activities that bring you joy and spend time with loved ones. Hansen suggests finding hobbies or interests that you enjoy, like watching a new TV show or spending time outdoors. This helps in maintaining a healthy balance between work and personal life, reducing the impact of layoff-related stress on your overall well-being.

While layoffs can be a source of anxiety for many people, there are strategies to cope with these feelings and maintain a sense of control. By recognizing and addressing negative thoughts, staying prepared, and nurturing a fulfilling life outside of work, individuals can navigate through uncertain times with resilience and positivity.

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