Steve Harvey throws away his cards after 'Family Feud' player proves him wrong with 'JFK' answer

Steve Harvey enjoys every opportunity to roast contestants over stupid answers and act smart on “Family Feud.” Although he is witty and sharp on most occasions, even Harvey can jump the gun and misjudge responses. He did the same with one contestant, who eventually proved him wrong leaving the popular host speechless and surprised.
Harvey started the game by reading out the survey question, “Name a famous person who died that some people believe is still alive.” A woman named Charlotte pressed the buzzer first and said Ray Charles. Unfortunately, that was not on the board. Her opponent, Zach, said Michael Jackson and it was the third answer on the board. The host was disappointed about Ray Charles as an answer and he made it clear. “Ray Charles? I ain’t never heard of that,” he said despite the artist being one of the most influential musicians of all time. Either way, it was now Zach’s family’s turn to guess the remaining three answers on the board and win the game. First up was a woman named Deb who said Elvis Presley.
This was an answer Harvey liked. “Number one,” the host said and it indeed was the top answer on the board. Next up was a woman named Lori who said Prince, the musician. Unfortunately, that answer was also not on the board. Then it was Kyle’s turn and he said Tupac. The host wasn’t expecting this but he loved the answer. “Kyle, I am impressed,” he said. Turns out it was the number two answer on the board.

Up next was a woman named Ashley who had the chance to seal the game for the team. She seemed unsure but said Patrick Swayze. Harvey didn’t seem much impressed with that answer either, and it was incorrect. Then it was Zach’s turn again, while their family had two strikes. One more wrong answer would place the advantage in the other family’s hands. The pressure was on Zach’s shoulders but Harvey didn’t believe he could get it done. When the contestant revealed that he was 24 years old, the veteran host could not help but laugh. “You don’t even know no dead people,” he said. “Zach, this is a chance for you to shock the world.” The contestant didn’t take any offense to that, and he just stood there laughing at the host’s jibes. Little did anyone know that the 24-year-old would have the last laugh.
“I’m gonna go with JFK,” he said. Harvey didn’t believe it would be on the board but it turns out that it was the last correct answer. The host threw away his cards in disbelief and walked away as the contestant and his family celebrated a fantastic win. Zach had proved one of the greatest hosts of this generation wrong on national television, in addition to winning the game for his family.