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'Price is Right' host Drew Carey stunned as player has the 'speediest win ever’ in iconic TV moment

The player was on a roll and beat the giant clock consistently within a matter of seconds.
Screenshots showing Michael's gameplay (Image source: TikTok/The Price Is Right)
Screenshots showing Michael's gameplay (Image source: TikTok/The Price Is Right)

From an elephant on the set to a model giving away a car for free, "The Price Is Right" has featured several iconic moments over the decades. Some of them are about players who set records in the ever-so-quirky games of the show. One such record is held by a contestant named Michael who stunned everyone, including host Drew Carey with his lightening guesses in the "Clock Game."

Screenshot showing Drew Carey explaining The Clock Game to a contestant (YouTube/The Price Is Right)
Screenshot showing Drew Carey explaining The Clock Game to a contestant (Image source: YouTube/The Price Is Right)

In an episode from last year, Michael aced the Clock Game effortlessly. The clip of his gameplay was shared on the social media handles of the show. In The Clock Game contestants race against a giant clock that has a 30-second timer. The players need to guess the prices of two items or bundles of items within the time limit to win them along with the grand prize. If the player fails to make a correct guess in their first go, Carey helps them by telling them if the correct answer is “higher” or “lower" than the guess. Furthermore, if a contestant can make two correct guesses within 10 seconds, they also win a cash bonus.

During Michael's run, a pair of action cameras were displayed as the first prize, and a bundle of hiking-related items including poles, a GPS, and a pair of hiking boots. The grand prize at stake was first-class tickets to a South American vacation.

Screenshots showing Drew Carey explaining the game to the player (Image source: TikTok/The Price Is Right)
Screenshots showing Drew Carey explaining the game to the player (Image source: TikTok/The Price Is Right)

Going in, Carey asked the player to make the first guess for the action cameras. He explained that the clock will start ticking as soon as Michael starts speaking. In his very first attempt, Michael said $550. It turned out to be correct stopping the clock at just one second. The studio audience, along with Carey, was stunned. The host couldn't say much and he only showed the player that he was correct.

Screenshots showing Michael celebrating (Image source: TikTok/The Price Is Right)
Screenshots showing Michael celebrating (Image source: TikTok/The Price Is Right)

“Wow. Well, you’ve got 29 seconds to give us this next one, good luck,” Carey quipped as he nudged the player to make a guess for the second bundle of items. The timer resumed, but this time, the player's first guess did not go as well. He then guessed, $930 and Carey told him to go higher to get the correct price. The third guess was $980, after which Carey asked him to go lower and his final guess of $940 handed him the win. Carey then went over to the giant clock to see how many seconds it took for the player to win. To his shock, Michael had done it in just five seconds, meaning he won the cash bonus as well.

Screenshot showing Michael making the second guess and Carey counting the seconds (Image source: TikTok/The Price Is Right)
Screenshot showing Michael making the second guess and Carey counting the seconds (Image source: TikTok/The Price Is Right)

Michael lept out of joy and the studio audience cheered. “That was amazing,” Carey exclaimed. The show further confirmed on social media that the quick win was indeed a record for the show. “We’ve never seen a win this speedy!” the caption of the posts read. 

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Viewers in the comments admired the player's win as well. "He was good I never see anyone win that game like that," @joycehayes28 wrote on TikTok. 

Screenshot of a comment lauding Michael's win (Image source: Instagram/@themoultonpot)
Screenshot of a comment lauding Michael's win (Image source: Instagram/@themoultonpot)

"The fastest player playing this game is amazing!! 👏. Have an incredible vacation in Africa," @bluesaphiregina13 added on Instagram.

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