'Wheel of Fortune' fans have one big problem with host Ryan Seacrest: "Half the show is..."

Ryan Seacrest was facing a major challenge when he took over as the host of “Wheel of Fortune” from the legendary Pat Sajak. He has since done his best to carry Sajak's legacy forward, but fans are watching every blunder and trope of his to point out where he is falling short. Sajak's fans were not happy to see the legendary host call it a day and were even more doubtful when his replacement was announced.
Some of the criticisms aimed at Seacrest make sense, and some are utterly ridiculous. Recently, however, some people seem to believe that the new host talks too much. While talking is one of the most crucial jobs a host can have on a game show, there were several viewers on Reddit who had thoughts on what Seacrest says.
The original post was about the changes the show has seen since Seacrest took over as its host. “Ryan talks too much, I dont like it .. not enough play time, Pat had just the right amount of interaction,” one user called Avanator88 commented. “Too much talking. Half the show is that now, it seems. And they don’t show the game board enough, making it hard to solve at home. Why spend so much time watching the wheel turn?” asked another user named beedunc.
However, there were comments in support of the new host as well. “I think Ryan is doing great. He is very likable and fits right in. I thought Vanna should have rolled out with Pat. I’m not sure she is a good fit any longer, though their chemistry seems good. Idk,” one user named diverdawg wrote. “I really love Ryan and feel he genuinely connects with the contestants,” quipped another user named scooterpoo42.
Some of the criticism against Seacrest has been ridiculous in the recent past. One example of this was when a Reddit user suggested that the former American Idol host did not know how to read numbers. This obviously drew a lot of flak from the “Wheel of Fortune” fans who have liked his work so far on the show. It certainly made for a hilarious Reddit thread.
“He just flips the gold envelope open, looks down at it, and then at the contestant. SO you can see that the puzzle was worth $40,000, BUT HE NEVER says the dollar amount of the prize out loud,” the post read. “At first, I thought it was just him getting acclimated to the gig, but I'm starting to wonder if maybe he just can't read numbers?"
Fans of the show did not hold back in the comments section. “Pat never said the number for the final either, did he? He just showed it to the camera and contestant,” one user named lefindecheri commented. “Do you even watch the show? If you don’t like Ryan fine … but at least back your criticism up with substance. Saying he can’t read numbers is the most ludicrous thing I have ever heard,” added another user named kerosenehat63.