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'Family Feud' host Steve Harvey yells at contestant for saying 'the dumbest thing' in front of his wife

The man only realized what he had done after Harvey burst out into hysterical laughter.
Screenshot showing Steve Harvey mocking the contestant and his wife (Cover image source: YouTube/Family Feud)
Screenshot showing Steve Harvey mocking the contestant and his wife (Cover image source: YouTube/Family Feud)

As the name suggests, "Family Feud" is a show where families work as a team. But it also means that the absurd and at times suggestive answers that people blurt out, are right there for their loved ones to see. Stupid answers on the show aren't a rarity and contestants also get roasted by host Steve Harvey for them. But the real trouble started for a contestant when he blurted out one of the dumbest responses to a question in front of his wife. 

Screenshot showing Steve Harvey cracking up (Image source: YouTube/Family Feud)
Screenshot showing Steve Harvey cracking up (Image source: YouTube/Family Feud)

In the 2018 episode, Harvey called on the two contestants, Tya and Scott to the buzzer and compete for a chance to play a round. The host asked them a fill-in-the-blank question. "If it were up to me, I’d never __ again," Harvey put forth the incomplete statement.

Scott was the first to hit the buzzer and without thinking much, he said the 'dumbest thing' he could have which was, "Cheat!". He did so while his wife, Christine was standing right behind him alongside his family.

Screenshot showing Scott apologizing to his wife (Image source: YouTube/Family Feud)
Screenshot showing Scott apologizing to his wife (Image source: YouTube/Family Feud)

Harvey immediately lost composure and burst out laughing. By then, what he had done had dawned on Scott, and he turned around to apologize to his wife saying, "I am sorry, I love you." Harvey then went around the podium to bring the contestant back to the buzzer. Holding him from behind, Harvey said, "That’s the dumbest thing you could’ve said! What are you, an idiot?!"

Screenshot showing Harvey mocking the contestant
Screenshot showing Harvey mocking the contestant (Image source: YouTube/Family Feud)

The host then revealed that the answer would surely not be on the board and that it may have cost him the points and his marriage. Since Scott's answer wasn't up there, the question then went to Tya who answered with "clean." Unlike Scott's answer, the response showed up on the board and Tya chose to play the question. However, Harvey wasn't done mocking Scott yet.

"Scott, you might wanna come to play the game with this family now," he said looking at the player. He then went on to add that his response would land him in a world of hurt for years to come.

Screenshot showing Harvey imitating Scott's wife (Image source: YouTube/Family Feud)
Screenshot showing Harvey imitating Scott's wife (Image source: YouTube/Family Feud)

"He's gonna pay for that," he commented. He went on to say that the issue would come up every time they had an argument and on every holiday. "Every time she gets drunk, she gonna bring it up," the host suggested. "Why did you say that honey? Remember what you said to Steve?" Harvey said imitating Christine. 


While Scott may not have enjoyed the moment at all, viewers had a lot of fun watching him go through the pain. "The delayed response makes it even funnier. The fact that it took a second for Steve to realize what the guy said," @pupstxrxl9714 commented. 

Many agreed that the consequences of the answer would not be good for Scott at home. "His wife is going to question everything he has done in the past now. Why you didn't answer your phone right away? Did you really go on a business trip? Why were you an hour late getting home? SMH" @jennieross6685 suggested. "Well someone's going to be sleeping on the couch after that." @wizicozypher joked. 


The clip even made it to the compilation video from the show, titled, "CHEATING HUSBANDS exposed on Family Feud!"

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