'Family Feud' host Steve Harvey smacks woman's buzzer after she breaks a rule: "Stop hitting your..."

Apart from being quick-witted, Steve Harvey is usually kind and friendly toward contestants, as the host of “Family Feud.” But he is also strict about rules and doesn't let contestants get away with breaking rules, even though they do so in haste. A contestant named Hilda from the Wallace family, witnessed this side of Harvey when she was facing off against Charles from the Samoylo family as per a report in Monsters & Critics.
When Harvey asked for the top six answers on the screen behind him and asked the survey question, “A woman should probably not do what when…” He was interrupted by Hilda’s buzzer before he could finish the question. Since the contestant did not hear the full question, she failed to answer within the stipulated time. It was then her competitor's turn after the full question was revealed. “A woman should probably not do what when she’s nine months pregnant?”

Before he could answer, Hilda pressed the buzzer again but this time, there was no sound since she had lost her turn. Harvey let Charles answer, which also turned out to be the top answer on the board before turning towards the Wallace family member. “Stop hittin’ your damn button. You had your damn turn!” he said as he slapped her buzzer, which made no sound this time either.
It seemed like Hilda had cost her family but that was not the case. The Samoylo family only got two more correct answers before suffering three strikes. The advantage shifted to the Wallaces who needed to get just one answer right to win the game. Debra stepped up and answered, “Fly on an airplane.” It turned out that ‘Fly/Travel’ was one of the answers and they emerged victorious despite what seemed like a poor start.
This was a rare occurrence but not the only time when Harvey has told off a contestant on “Family Feud.” He had to do the same during another episode of 'Family Feud' when a contestant named Don was playing. The host of the show was not mad at the contestant for trying to bend the rules though. He was unhappy because Don probably raised the bar of being a loving husband for men all over the country.
Harvey had asked the question, “Name the same old gift husbands buy their wives year after year.” Don had answered ‘diamonds’ which shocked the veteran host. Harvey had a stunned look on his face as Don’s wife confirmed that she does get diamonds as gifts every year. One of the other members on their team also confirmed the same saying, “She’s very spoiled.”
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Harvey was still in disbelief and he went on to ask, “Every year?” When he learned that it was indeed true that the man gifted his wife diamonds from time to time, he didn’t hide his emotions. “That’s a whole another level of pressure right there. This damn Don in here buying diamonds every damn year,” he said. The veteran host then turned to Don and said, “Sit your a** down somewhere.”