'Family Feud' contestant walks off stage after his wife's answer almost starts a feud in the family

“Family Feud” is a show where families work together as teams to compete against each other for bagging the maximum rewards under host Steve Harvey's watch. But rarely have audiences witnessed a feud start within the families on the show. It almost happened when a woman gave an answer which not only left the host stunned and speechless but also sounded a lot like a dig at her husband. Following that, her husband walked off the stage for a few moments, creating a bit of drama on the sets.
The question that she was responding to was, “Name a reason a woman might not want her husband on her team on Family Feud.” The first couple of answers were, “Too slow on buzzer” and “Gives bad answers,” followed by a couple of wrong answers such as “He likes the spotlight too much” and “Sleeps too much.” However, things took an unprecedented turn when it was the contestant Cynthia’s turn to answer.

It did not take her long before simply blurting out, “She’s embarrassed by the way he looks.” The entire crowd gasped and there was a moment of disbelief as Harvey turned the other way. Cynthia’s husband Michael was standing right next to her and he simply walked off the stage. He did come back after a moment as the host composed himself and the entire studio burst into laughter.
Fans on YouTube did not take the woman’s answer too well, even though it was a joke. “How to start a family feud,” a user @robertlunderwood commented. “I don’t blame Michael. I’d be walking away too,” quipped @iguana9173. “Did they not realize that their wife's were clearly throwing HUGEEEE digs at them,” @apollorllyonit added.
It isn't common for people to walk off the stage on “Family Feud,” but it has happened more than once. During a different episode, it was Steve Harvey himself who walked off the stage after a hilarious answer. The contestant in question was a man named Fred and he was asked to name something a vampire would like to add to his coffee. It is important to remember that by now, two answers, “Pack o’Bloodweiser” and “Hottie/Elvira,” were already on the board.
Before Harvey came to Fred, he asked the same question to a contestant named Inger. She answered “light white cream” which completely left the host baffled. According to her, vampires are afraid of the dark and there was too much darkness in the coffee until that point. “Vampires are afraid of the dark now. That’s new. Forget what you’ve been hearing for hundreds of years,” he said.
Then it was Fred’s turn to answer and he answered “night cream.” It triggered a fit of laughter from the host as he walked all the way to the back of the stage, making it seem like he was walking away. He then came back and did a hilarious impression of a vampire putting on some night cream before going to bed.