'Family Feud' host Steve Harvey tells contestant 'you're on national TV' after his unexpected answer

"Family Feud" is known for its hilarious questions, answers, and reactions of its iconic host Steve Harvey. Known as one of the "Original Kings of Comedy," Harvey always has a witty reply to everything he comes across on the show but sometimes contestants end up humiliating themselves, like in the case of a contestant named Carmin, whose two-word answer was so silly that Harvey didn't need to make a joke.

In the episode, Harvey was playing the game as usual with two families competing for the large pool of prizes. When the survey question "Name something that starts with the word 'belly,'" came up, Harvey asked one of the contestants to share a popular answer. The player named Carmin said out loud, "Belly jelly." The answer would have been perfectly fine if Carmin was 14 years old. However, being a grown man, Harvey thought the answer was rather embarrassing. "Did you say, 'belly jelly'?" Harvey asked. The contestant confirmed that it was his answer with a sheepish grin on his face.

"Humiliating, isn't it? You're on national TV," Harvey said mocking the contestant. He further urged the player to say that answer again, looking straight into the camera. "Belly jelly," Carmin yelled while looking at the camera. Laughing out loud, Harvey said, "Your buddies at work. Wow. When they see this, you're done." The clip was eventually shared on all of the show's social media accounts with the caption, “Humiliating, isn’t it??”. Viewers in the comments suggested that Harvey was absolutely correct in suggesting that his colleagues would make fun of him.

While this time it was Harvey humiliating a contestant, there is an incident where it was quite the opposite. In the episode, Harvey doubted a contestant’s answers and paid dearly after she won.
The player named Liz was competing in the Fast Money round with Susan from the other family. After Susan answered all five questions, Liz had to post a score of more than 200 to win her family $20,000.
While four questions went smoothly, Liz's answer to one question, "Name a way to get chewing gum out of one’s hair," had Harvey doubting her chances. Liz who said "peanut butter" stunned Harvey for a second, but he kept going.
In the end, when the time came to find out if Liz's answers had scored well, she was up 172 points before reaching the doubtful answer. Harvey said he was baffled by the 'peanut butter' answer, questioning how someone would use it to remove gum from hair.
“I don’t know what the hell that got to do with it, but sounds good to me,” Steve said. “What, do you put it on there and eat it out?” he asked Liz.
Liz wasn’t exactly sure how it worked, either, but said she heard about it somewhere. Steve continued to tease Liz over it but the answer turned out to be popular, earning her 31 points. This also meant she was over 200 points and had just won $20,000.
Harvey was shocked by the result and stood still with his jaw on the floor. Liz went on to celebrate and she and he family mocked Harvey by shouting "peanut butter" and clapping on his face.

Steve slowly walked to the center still in disbelief. He then stared at his cue card, placing his hand on his hip and shaking his head.