Steve Harvey mocks 'Family Feud' contestant over her 'boss' answer — but it didn't end well for him

As a former comedian, Steve Harvey takes pleasure in showing off his roasting skills and wit when a “Family Feud” contestant comes up with a seemingly stupid or absurd response. But sometimes, he is forced to eat his words after the answer does show up among popular responses to a survey on the board. That's what happened when he trolled a contestant over a scandalous answer but was proven wrong in the end.
After Harvey read out the question, “Not many people have seen you naked. Name one.” A man named Grady was the first to press the buzzer and he said, “Children.” That was one of the answers on the board but not the top one. As the question went to his opponent, it was the turn of a woman named Raydeane to answer. “Husband,” she said which was the top answer on the board, and her family decided to play the round. The next to answer the question was a man named Seth and he said, “Parents.” That was the second answer on the board. It was then another woman named Jaymee who was answering, and she said, “My boss.” The host had to lean back a little after hearing this. Even Seth was shocked and his expression said everything. However, it turned out that the contestant was a little confused about the question.

“Wait. Did I answer wrong? So they have?” she asked. Jaymee had apparently thought that the question required her to name people who had not seen her naked. It's also possible that she was just trying to cover up something she didn’t want to go public on the show. Harvey, however, was having none of it. “You thought I said who hasn’t?” Harvey asked. “You the only one in this damn building.” The host must have believed that this answer was not going to be on the board but he was surprised when it did show up. “I don’t know,” Jaymee said even after getting the answer right. “She still don’t want the answer,” the host replied. “That’s what you call job security,” he added. It was then Christopher’s turn to answer and he said, “The doctor,” which was thankfully one of the answers on the board. The family was doing well but their fortunes took a turn for the worse from that point.
Next up was a man named J.O. and he said, “Grandparents,” which was not one of the answers on the board. Raydeane was up next again and she said, “My best friend,” which made the host chuckle a little bit but that too was not on the board. It was Seth’s turn next and his answer, 'Siblings,' while good, was also not on the board. These answers led to three strikes and the advantage now went to the other family. A woman named Nicole was the next to answer and she said, “We’re gonna say your ex, Steve.” That was one of the correct answers and her family stole what seemed to be a lost game.