'Family Feud' host Steve Harvey recalls his mom once telling him he won't grow up to be attractive

Steve Harvey has been trolled for his baldness on "Family Feud" and is also often viral because of his weird facial expressions, but he has never been called ugly. Apart from his face, the way that he dresses and carries himself, adds to his charisma. However, when he was younger, the host's mother never believed that he would grow up to be an attractive man. Steve Harvey shared that story in a recent episode of “Family Feud.”
Harvey was asking a question to the contestants and read out, “Name something a bald guy does to look more attractive.” A contestant named Michael got to the buzzer first and said, “Shine his head.” That answer was higher on the board than what his opponent said so he decided to go ahead and play the round with his family. It was then a team member Kaylah’s turn to answer and she said, “Shave his head bald,” which was also a correct answer.
Next up was a woman named Wanda who said that a bald man could grow out his facial hair to look better. Harvey, with his iconic mustache, appreciated the answer and it was on the board too. Next up was a woman named Falilah and she said, “I’m gonna say, make sure he is well dressed…like you Steve.” That’s when the veteran host shared the story about his childhood.
“My mama told me that a long time ago,” he said, before narrating, “She said, 'Son, you’re not gonna be attractive when you grow up.' She was just being honest. 'We don’t have attractive men in this family. Go in there and look at your daddy.' I walked in there and went…damn. She said, 'But every woman loves a well-dressed man. Dress up, learn how to treat a woman kind, you can get a good girl.'”

It’s not surprising that Harvey wears the most well-tailored suits every time he hosts the popular game show. Dressing well was also on the board and the host was happy. The next answer, however, irritated him a little bit. The contestant was a woman named Morenike. When she was asked the question, she said, “He wears a hat.”
Now, the host has always embraced his look and is proud to be bald. Hence he was not very pleased with that answer. “He wears a hat?” the 68-year-old asked. Turns out that it was the number one answer on the board. That just made him even more mad. “I’m not wearing no damn hat,” he said. “Y’all don’t even know what y’all talking about.”
Harvey even said that he didn’t feel like playing anymore after that. Obviously, it was meant as a joke and the show went on. The family still had three strikes left but stumbled at the last answer, giving the advantage to their opponents. Out of all the answers, they didn’t think about saying a toupee or a wig, which the other family did, and it turned out to be correct, handing them the win.