'Price is Right' model knocked the mic out of Bob Barker's hand in awkward moment: "I know she is..."

Hosts who helmed game shows such as “The Price is Right” and "Wheel of Fortune" for decades, consistently kept things entertaining and engaging, and they are accompanied by models. But sometimes models grab more attention for the wrong reasons, be it giving away a car by mistake or knocking the mic out of the host's hand. That’s the kind of moment that veteran model Holly Hallstrom was a part of on an earlier episode of the show.
Bob Barker was the host at the time and he had just called a contestant named Janette Kailey to the stage after she got the price of a dining table and chairs set correct. The host had revealed a new card game and Holly was there to unveil the game. As she took the red cloth covering the game off, her foot got stuck in the microphone wire. She didn’t realize this was happening and kept walking as the force of her movement snatched the mic away from Barker’s hand before it fell on the floor.

“She ripped it off and then kicked my microphone out of my hand,” Barker said as the studio audience burst into laughter. Even Janette got into the fun. “I watch you every day, I know she is accident-prone,” she said. “Accident-prone is a nice way of saying she’s a klutz. That’s what she is,” the veteran host responded. It might have sounded harsh but this was a light-hearted moment on the show as no harm was seemingly done. The contestant had a chance to win a brand-new Isuzu truck and had to guess its price. As per the new card game, Janette’s guess could not be more than the price of the truck and it had to be within $700. She came close to winning the vehicle but just missed out as the actual price was more than $9 less compared to what she guessed. That was a heartbreaking end to what could have been a fantastic win.
Mistakes are a part of any game show but one must also not forget the tough jobs the models on “The Price is Right” have. They are always mostly on cue and keep the mishaps to a minimum. Even if they suffer some physical injuries during the show’s filming, they keep going, just like Dian Parkinson, who did so even when her foot was seemingly hurt during an earlier episode of the show.
Barker was introducing the studio audience and the contestant to the Dice Game at this point. In this game, a table and multiple large red dice were required. This table with the dice on it was being brought to the stage by Parkinson. As she was pulling the table, she stopped in her tracks and it became clear that her foot was stuck under the table for a moment.
It must have been painful but the 1965 Miss World runner-up kept going and brought the table to where it was supposed to be on stage, that too in heels. Host Barker expressed his sympathy for his co-worker whose resilience was witnessed by everyone.