Woman Shares Her Boyfriend’s Frustration on Learning About Her Family Wealth, Sparks Online Debate
Internet forums have become a great place to seek the opinions of strangers in both public and personal matters. Platforms like Reddit are especially popular with various subreddits discussing a plethora of subjects. One such forum on Reddit is the r/AmITheAsshole subreddit where people seek opinions on if they are wrong in any situation. On this subreddit, a user shared her boyfriend’s reaction to finding out she was rich.
In the viral Reddit post which now has over 1400 comments, the user u/diamondalarmbells shared that their boyfriend, Callum was upset after learning about the wealth of their family during a lunch visit to their father’s place. The Redditor wrote that Callum had become visibly uncomfortable after seeing the lavish lifestyle of their father, leading to tension during the lunch meeting. The user said Callum later expressed his frustration saying that if he knew about their wealth beforehand, he would have prepared better for the meeting. However, the Redditor defended their position saying that it wasn’t relevant and that Callum's inquiries about her previous vacations, lifestyle, and other things are not okay. The Redditor asked other users their opinion about whether people should warn their partners about their wealth, saying that their dad and stepdad aren’t even that rich.
Given that the poster had revealed in the comments that their dad belonged to the “one percent,” several users felt that she was indeed wrong and out of touch. One of the users (@hexxcellent)commented, “Rich people are ALWAYS out of touch and genuinely don't see their wealth for what it is.” The user argued that despite having four cars, going on international vacations, and eating out 5 nights a week, such people feel like they are pretty much middle class. They defended Callum by saying that learning about a partner's wealth can be threatening as they would need to adjust to meet the lifestyle expectations and even re-align their career goals.
Another commenter (@Gold_Statistician500) defended Callum by saying that he may have a rational fear about this as the poster is very naïve about the situation. He points out that despite being in the 1% (which means she is extremely rich), she is extremely naïve as she doesn’t realize it. The commenter said the wealth disparity between the two partners matters in the long term.
The phenomenon of the original poster not realizing the extent of their wealth was further highlighted by another user (@Drayle) who quoted research to back it up. The user said it was very common for rich people to not realize the extent of their wealth as their social groups are also rich and they have grown up looking at people who also had all the luxuries. The user shared a tip for the poster by quoting some statistics that show how vulnerable Americans are financially. The user also says that the wealth gap between the two partners represents the gap between their life expectations and it goes far beyond what they can comprehend.