Employee Spoke To Customer About Her Tights, Fired For 'Promoting Side Hustle'

You may have seen many TikTok users recording their work day vlog and uploading it on the popular video sharing platform. TikTok user Kendal did the same but her "come to work with me" came with a twist.
Turns out she was headed to actually getting fired. In the first video upload by her, she records herself taking a walk towards her job at the popular retail clothing brand. She says in the clip that her supervisor called her in on her day off after they heard her customers positively commenting on the pair of tights Kendal had worn to work that day. It turns out that Kendal makes and then sells these tights on her personal website. When she was mentioning the tights to the customers, her manager heard her.

Kendal later suspected that the manager did not like the fact that she was mentioning her private business while she was working. "Come with me to get fired from work! Love that for me. So, basically, I work at a clothing store, I'm not gonna say which one, but it rhymes with Baritzia. Manager asked me to come in today. I'm not scheduled by the way and in my last shift, I got into trouble."
She went on to explain, "Basically, I have a small business and sometimes, I wear my pieces to work because I get a lot of compliments on it and people wanna know where I got it from so, I always tell them my website." She then said how she never really pushes her business on customers at her retail gig. "I'm really low key about it cause I know how managers are. I don't even talk about my business with my co-workers."
"I feel like managers hate when you have a side hustle or even another job. Anyway, a customer came in and complimented the tights that I was wearing and of course, I told her that they were from my website. Basically long story short, my manager overheard me talking about it with a customer and accused me of promoting my business," she continues.
"They wanted to bring up my sales, talking about how I was behind for the day and yeah. That same manager just asked me to come in and yeah, I just know I'm getting fired guys," she said in the video.
In a second video, she talked about how she was no longer employed at the store and that the decision to leave was actually a mutual one.
She assured everybody in the next video that the conversation with the shopper was the only reason she was no longer a part of the company anymore. People took to the comment section to share their opinions, with one user writing, "Not leaving your home to get fired on your day off. I told them whatever needs to be said can wait until my shift." Another user wrote, "Does your manager own aritzia? Why do they care so much?"
While promoting you side hustle in you workplace is a bit iffy, this situation in particular was not a huge deal and the in our opinion, the manager could have let this slide.