'Family Feud' contestant begs Steve Harvey to 'say something' after his bizarre answer stunned the host

The quick-witted and animated host Steve Harvey is iconic for his comments and reactions on "Family Feud," as he always finds something funny to say no matter what the situation is. However, Harvey has been left speechless on the show due to raunchy and suggestive survey questions on several occasions. In one instance, Harvey let the contestant take over without saying a word in response to a racy answer.

During the episode, Harvey was running things as usual after he called on the two contestants to the podium for the face-off. He read the survey question from his card, which was proposed to a 100-person survey panel. The question was, “Name something a male dog might give to a female dog he likes.”
The contestant named Joey was the first to hit the buzzer and answer the kind of suggestive question. "I don't know how to phrase this," he said hesitatingly. He then went on to say some of the most awkward answers that one could think of. "Himself?" Joey said as his first answer while imitating a barking dog to add some humor. His opponent was immediately taken aback by the answer but Harvey only stared at him with wide-open eyes. Thus, the contestant kept going on and on.

“Make love. Doggy love. Doggy style?” the player continued, to answer while waiting for the host to react to his answers or say something to him. However, Harvey was too shocked to say anything. The contestant then went on to beg, “Say something… say something, Steve.” To this, Harvey said “Oh no, you doin’ good. You doin’ really good," employing his quick wit.

While the answers were too raunchy for the contestants and the host, people in the survey had similar thoughts as Joey. When Harvey pointed to the board, “A Hump/Doggy Style” showed up as the number-four answer on the survey board with 8 responses. Furthermore, the number-three answer, “A Good Lickin’/Kiss,” was even more suggestive, also with eight responses.
Joey isn't the only contestant to leave Harvey speechless with raunchy answers. In another episode, a contestant whom Harvey called Pastor Warrick, shared an NSFW answer with the host, stunning him into silence. The survey question in focus was, “Name something you stuck your finger in more times than you can count.” Warrick, who was visibly uncomfortable covered up his mic and leaned into the host's ear to say, “Sexual stuff.”
While the studio audience immediately broke into laughter, a shocked Harvey took a brief moment to collect himself. Unfortunately for the Maye family of Warrick, the answer wasn’t on the board. However, things continued to get wilder from there. The question then went to the oldest member of the Maye family, John, who had something even more suggestive to say. John also leaned over to the host to whisper “Your butt… wiping your butt.”
This time, Harvey instantly lost it and broke into fits of laughter stumbling away from the podium.