'Is That A Trap House?' Bizzare Property Listed On Zillow Is Creeping Out the Internet

Online real estate marketplace Zillow is filled with listings of all kinds. From a little weird to straight-up bizarre listings have made it to the platform. One such crazy listing was discovered by a popular TikTok account @homes.tastrophes. In a viral video, the creator of the account showed pictures of an eerie property that had some bizarre settings and rooms meant for partying. The property left the viewers in shock with people scrambling to theorize why it looked like that.

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In the video which now has over 25.2 million views, the creator shows the listing on Zillow. The creator says that at first, the house looks like a totally normal mid-western property, but it steadily goes downhill. After the pictures of the living room and kitchen, the creepy stuff starts.
Showing the picture of the first bedroom, the creator looks shocked. In the room, a stand-alone heater and a mattress on the floor can be seen. The creator then says that usually looking at such rooms, people suggest that child trafficking may have taken place at the house.

However, things continue to get bizarre. The creator then shows pictures of other bedrooms which all looked similar. The only piece of furniture in all those rooms was just a vanity and some of the rooms had just a mattress. The creator then suggests that it clearly seems like only a man was living there pointing to the stealer sheets. She also shows a weird theater that has a step sitting with a small projector screen.

At the end, the creator shows a club built inside the property. The floor shows a branding as well, saying “It’s the Royal Family”. However, the creator isn’t surprised by the club being in the house. What did surprise her was the bathrooms which looked to be in terrible condition, adding to the weirdness of the property.

Viewers were left shocked by the state of the property with many wondering what might have gone down there. One user (@greeneyedgirl128) pointed out that the four rooms were identical and none of them had any windows. “It’s just odd,” the user wrote. To this, the creator replied that even in the normal-looking room, the pictures that were hung up did not make any sense.

Meanwhile, several others suggested that the listing might be a “trap house”. A trap house is a property that is used to sell illegal drugs. One user (@whoisu93) supported the theory and further pointed out that apart from the bedrooms, none of the bathrooms had any doors either.

However, the mystery was cleared up by the Cincinnati Enquirer who looked into the property. As per the publication, the property was formerly owned by a contractor named Wayne Gheen Jr. The contractor purchased what was initially a laundromat that was purportedly in poor condition. Thus, he converted the building into a large home with a focus on partying. Thus, the creator's worries about the weird rooms with no windows are somewhat explained.
@homes.tastrophes Replying to @lilliansoftball25 who is The Royal Family? 👑 ❤️ to @seth.hollingsworth who found it #zillowfinds #zillowtastrophy #ohio #realestate #truecrimetiktok ♬ Spooky, quiet, scary atmosphere piano songs - Skittlegirl Sound
For more such bizarre stores from the world of real estate listings, follow @homes.tastrophes on TikTok.