'Family Feud' host Steve Harvey drop his cards after grandma came up with the wildest answer

“Family Feud” contestants are some of the most unpredictable ones since the most unlikely people on the show come up with the raunchiest answers. From pastors playing the game to a woman on the show with her parents, such individuals keep surprising Steve Harvey with NSFW responses. Despite having seen all this, Harvey dropped his cards when an elderly contestant gave a scandalous answer on the show. Even the contestant’s family members could not believe what they had just heard.
During the episode, Harvey asked the survey question, “Name an activity that makes you feel alive.” A woman named Betty was first to hit her buzzer and she answered, “Exercise,” just in the nick of time.

It was the top answer on the board and it was now time for her family to play and take things forward. Next up was Kiersten who said, “Dancing.” That was the number two answer on the board. Up next was a man named Myles, and he said, “I’m gonna say eating healthy, Steve.” Unfortunately, that was not on the board. Byron was the next player and he said travel, which was one of the answers on the board.
Then finally it was time for the oldest member of the family on the show to share her answer. Without missing a beat, the contestant named Hazel said, “Having sex.” Betty and Kiersten were both shocked after what they had heard but they loved the answer regardless. Harvey couldn't believe his ears either, so he took a few steps back from the table before dropping the cards that he was holding.

“Miss Hazel I just…I’m so, I just…Lord. Miss Hazel with this. The people at the church…all the missionaries and people on the usher board. You know, when they see you, they’re going, 'All right now,'" the popular host said. Hazel was a little embarrassed after blurting out the answer as she hid her face, but she owned her answer in the next few moments. Thankfully for her team, it was the number three answer on the board.
Betty was up next and this time, she said, “Laughing and being happy.” Unfortunately, that was not up on the board. With one strike left, Kiersten said, “Being in nature,” which was also not up on the board. This gave the advantage to the opposing family but they had only one shot. A woman named Tina said, “Riding a roller coaster.” That wasn’t the correct answer either and her family lost the game.
The focus of the fans, however, was on Hazel’s NSFW answer. They made it a point to mention it on YouTube in the clip’s comments section. “You go grandma, damn good answer,” one user cheered her. “Her answer was honest and timeless... we get older, but we're not dead yet... and we have more memories of the things the later generations can only fantasize about,” another fan commented.