‘Price is Right’ viewers all agree on the one aspect of the show that ‘drives them crazy’

“The Price is Right” fans are connected to the contestants as people who themselves enjoy the sight of someone like them winning big and are also disappointed when such dreams are shattered. This is why the studio audience is often seen assisting players who are trying to make the right guess. But this aspect, as heartwarming and joyful as it may be, is something that has been called out on Reddit by fans watching at home.
Contestants on the show often turn to the audience for help when they have to guess the price of an item. This has been happening so much that viewers watching at home have grown tired of it. One fan on the show posed a question on Reddit asking if the contestants can do anything by themselves without taking the help of the audience. Turns out that they were not the only ones thinking that way.
“It drives me crazy how much the people on stage can't do anything without the audience telling them what to do. The audience would boo me because I'd ignore them. The one last today is looking at the audience to tell her where to place a Plinko chip. The lady in the showcase was ridiculous with her slllooooowwwww number at a time bid while staring at the audience the whole time,” the post by JoeYinzer read.
“The slow bid lady also was staring into the crowd during time is money as thousands of dollars roll by,” one fan with the username rw1083 commented. “They are as STUPID as the day is long. They're looking for help with the price of a car from the audience when the audience doesn't know their a** from their elbow,” chimed in another user jrf1313. They were unhappy about the practice, despite the fact that asking the audience for help has only added to the fun.
It’s not possible for a contestant to correctly guess the price of a random object out of the blue. The audience has always helped out those trying to win ever since Bob Barker was the host of the show. It’s certainly something that’s common and some fans made that point in the discussion on Reddit. “Part of the charm of TPIR is the contestants looking wide-eyed into the screaming audience and basing decisions worth tens of thousands of dollars on who they happen to make eye contact with. It’s frantic, loony, and a ton of fun,” one user named jfeathe1211 commented.
Another user, who claimed to have been part of the show jumped in with their opinion as well. They said that the showrunners encourage contestants to look to the audience for help to achieve as much crowd interaction as possible. It keeps the energy in the studio high and makes it fun for those who weren’t lucky enough to be on the stage. “I’ve been on the show. They encourage contestants to look to the audience, and they highly pump up the audience to shout out their guesses, etc,” the user named Cohnhead1 claimed.