'Price is Right' contestant refuses to shake hands with Drew Carey — then goes straight to the model

Hosts on game shows are often seen being friendly and at times even roasting contestants, but rarely do they get a cold shoulder from participants. In a rare incident on “The Price is Right,” Drew Carey was denied a handshake by a contestant named Raymond, who was playing the Punch A Bunch game. According to Monsters & Critics, after the game was done, Carey extended his hand for a firm shake but Raymond said, “I wanna shake Rachel’s hand,” and made his way over to the model.
As part of the Punch A Bunch game, the contestant got a maximum of four punches on a punching board with several cubby holes. Each hole had a card that had an amount of money written on it, which the contestant could win. They can either choose to stick with the money of a single card and let go of the rest, or they can forfeit a card and go for the next one.

Like Plinko, a contestant has to correctly guess if the price of some items is higher or lower than what is visible to determine how many punches they get. Raymond absolutely aced this part of the game and earned four punches. His first and second cards were both for $250 and he let them both go. His third card drew $2500 which he decided to stick with while forfeiting the fourth card. Thankfully, that had only $1000 written on it.
Not only did he not shake hands with Carey after the game, but on his way back, Raymond bumped into the veteran host of the show. This could have been a bigger deal but the contestant in fact did shake the host’s hand earlier in the game when he won the $2500.
Contestants showing enthusiasm isn't new on the show but them snubbing the host is something rarely seen. Carey has experienced all the extremes as the host of the popular game show but this one might have taken things too far. A contestant named Sona was called to the stage as per Today and her enthusiasm made the host fall for her, quite literally.
She ran up onto the stage full of excitement and jumped at Carey for a hug. The host failed to keep his balance while holding the contestant’s weight and both went tumbling down on the floor. Sona got up with just as much enthusiasm on her face but the host had a scary moment. He could have fallen where the audience was sitting but a set of lights stopped him.
The 66-year-old laughed the incident off like a true professional and kept his composure on stage. Sona, on the other hand, had a good day on the show. Despite not being able to win a car, as she took home $3000 that she had won playing Pass The Buck.