'Price is Right' wins a 7-day vacation by giving her answer in the final second of the clock game

Among game show hosts, Pat Sajak has often been called out for costing a whole game to a player due to his mistake, and Steve Harvey has been caught roasting contestants over answers that turn out to be right. But it's "The Price is Right" host Drew Carey who owns up to his mistakes and makes sure that contestants don't suffer because of them. One such contestant named Erica on “The Price is Right” was playing for an all-expense-paid vacation and was able to win it despite giving an answer that many think wasn't valid. The showrunners handed her the prize because of a blooper on their part, which was not her fault.
Erica worked as a labor and delivery nurse, and she was playing the Clock Game, in which a contestant has 30 seconds to guess the prices of two items on display. Once they guess a price, the host tells them whether the actual price of the item is higher or lower than the estimate. The clock stops after they get the first item right, and then it starts again for the second item.

On this occasion, Erica had to guess the prices of a hiking kit and five pairs of sunglasses. She had to get them both right to win an all-expense paid trip to Jackson Hole, Wyoming for a seven day vacation. The trip also included a stay in a luxury hotel.

The first item whose price the contestant had to guess was the hiking set. Its price was $594, and she started with $550. She then said $600, before going down to $575. It took her a while before she got close to the actual price of the hiking set. She said $592, then $593, and then $595. However, the clock stopped when she said that final price. Even though that was a dollar higher than the real price, the showrunners stopped the clock by mistake.

“Well, it was $594. She said $595, but let’s give it to you,” Drew Carey said. This was an extremely lucky break, but the contestant still had to guess the price of the five pairs of sunglasses. She had 17 seconds to do it. The price of the item was $810. As time went on, it seemed like Erica was not going to get it right despite her lucky break. However, she got it right at the very last second and won the trip.
“Buzzer beater! A buzzer beater! As time was running out,” an excited Carey said after the game. Luck shined upon her twice, and it was an incredible moment for the contestant, who was over the moon. “That's a good question. She was a winner of the Clock Game of "The Price is Right" and she became a buzzer beater to win those three prizes!” one user commented under the clip on YouTube. “Good on Drew for giving her the first prize due to the house's goof. I was more worried about how she would get to $810 though, after somehow jumping down to $750!” exclaimed another.