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'Price is Right' contestant wins an SUV, then tells model 'you’re so good looking' in wild moment

Adrenaline can make us do funny things and this contestant figured that out on national television.
Screenshot showing the contestant and the model on "The Price is Right" (Cover image source: YouTube | The Price is Right)
Screenshot showing the contestant and the model on "The Price is Right" (Cover image source: YouTube | The Price is Right)

Generations have grown up watching “The Price is Right” and making it to the show as a contestant is like a dream come true for many. One of the most sought-after prizes on the show apart from trips are cars and sometimes contestants go overboard after winning an automobile. That’s what happened with one contestant, Fayth, who just could not control her excitement after winning a brand-new SUV in Money Game, and showered a model on the show with compliments on his looks, as per Monsters & Critics.

It’s safe to say that the New Jersey resident was overflowing with excitement as she hugged the model standing in front of the car. She proceeded to hug him and say, “Oh my God, you’re so good-looking,” before touching the hood of the automobile she had just won. Such moments of excitement aren’t anything new on “The Price is Right” but one must admit that this celebration was a bit more chaotic than the others.

The money game involves several two-digit numbers spread across a board and the contestant has to guess which of them, when combined, reveals the price of the car. The automobile usually has a five-digit value in which the middle one is revealed. On this occasion, it was 9 and a contestant can only guess incorrectly four times before they’re eliminated from the game.

Screenshot showing Fayth and Drew Carey playing the Money Game. (Image credit: YouTube | The Price is Right)
Screenshot showing Fayth and Drew Carey playing the Money Game. (Image source: YouTube | The Price is Right)

Fayth first chose the number 25 which was correct. She then gave three wrong answers. One more incorrect answer would mean that she lost the chance to win a car. Thankfully, in what was her final attempt, she guessed 91 which was the correct answer, and won the car, after which she reacted in a memorable way. Reactions like these make the show so unique and appealing to thousands of viewers across the country.


There's a long history of moments associated with cars on “The Price is Right” and one such incident took place due to a mistake by one of the most popular models on the show, Manuela Arbelaez. In an earlier episode of the show, she accidentally gave away a car to a contestant who hadn’t won it. But it was an honest mistake and she did not face any serious consequences due to the incident.

The game that was being played required the contestant, Andrea, to guess the price of the car correctly in three attempts and she had five options to choose from. Her first pick was incorrect as was revealed by Arbelaez. However, before she could make her second guess, the long-time model put up the actual price on the board under the impression that the game was over.


Arbelaez tried to cover it up but it was already too late. Host Drew Carey could not hold back his laughter during this moment as the model hid behind the board. However, every cloud has a silver lining and this moment, while completely off-script, will go down in history as one of the most hilarious moments in the show’s history.

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