Couple Masters Financial Balance with 50/30/20 Rule; Here's How

Living comfortably while also saving for the future might seem like a balancing act, but for one Sydney couple, it's become second nature. Queenie Tan, 27, and Pablo Bizzini, 32, have found financial stability and success by adhering to the 50/30/20 rule, a simple yet effective budgeting method.

According to Queenie, the 50/30/20 rule involves dividing their monthly income into three categories: 50% for needs, 30% for wants, and 20% for savings and investments. This straightforward approach has allowed them to manage their finances efficiently without sacrificing their quality of life.
Budgeting Breakdown
The couple, who run an online finance business, earns a combined annual salary of $150,000. After taxes, they take home $9770 per month. They allocate 50% of their income to essential needs like mortgage payments, utilities, and groceries, ensuring they cover all necessary expenses.
They set aside 30% of their income, which they use to enjoy leisure activities such as dining out, travel, and shopping. This "fun" money allows them to indulge in experiences without feeling guilty.
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The remaining 20% of their income is earmarked for savings and investments. Through careful planning and strategic allocation, they have built a diverse portfolio that includes stocks and cryptocurrencies, resulting in a net worth of $770,000.
"I wish I knew the 50/30/20 rule earlier," Queenie says. "I’ve had times when my life was a bit dull and I wasn’t spending enough money on the fun stuff. But I’ve also had times in my life when I felt like I wasn’t getting ahead with my financial goals and I should have been contributing more to my savings and my investments. Now I feel so much more balanced."

Top Budgeting Tips
Queenie offers practical advice for those looking to improve their financial situation. "Have a look at your expenses from the past three months and see if there are any areas you could cut back on," she suggests. "Most people look at cutting out their $5 coffees or $10 subscriptions, but the biggest expenses we generally have are housing, transport, and food."
"So if we can find a way to reduce those expenses, even a little bit, we could save quite a bit for the most exciting stuff," she adds. Automating savings and investments is another essential step, as it ensures consistent contributions without the need for manual intervention.
Set up automatic transfers to a savings account. I also set up automated investments so that every month, 20 percent of my pay gets invested," she suggests.
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Furthermore, exploring opportunities to increase income, such as negotiating a higher salary or seeking better job prospects, can significantly impact long-term financial success. "By getting a pay rise, or even switching jobs into a higher paying job, you may not even need to cut anything out of your budget at all—and still save more money," Queenie states.
"Creating a budget can help you make confident decisions," she says. A detailed budget, though, can be complex to manage. The 50-30-20 rule splits expenses into just three categories. It also offers recommendations on how much money to use for each. With this information, you can get on the road to financial well-being.