'Family Feud' contestant scolds her father after hearing his answer: "Daddy, that ain't..."

As the name suggests, “Family Feud” is all about families coming together to win big and this requires them to work well as a team. There are times when some family members give answers that don't make sense or are scandalous, and Steve Harvey is quick to roast them for it. But, there was one instance when a contestant faced the heat from his own family member for the wrong answer that got the team a strike. The person who answered was presumably the man of the house and his daughter quickly called him out on national television.

Steve Harvey was reading out a survey question, which was, “Name something Tom Cruise and Tom Brady have in common.” A woman named Kaylah was first to hit the buzzer and she said, “They’re both caucasian.” This answer was not on the board, and it was then her opponent Robert’s turn to answer. “Name,” he said and that was the number one answer on the board. A woman named Gina was up next from his family, and she said that they were both adventurous. Unfortunately, that was not on the board. Then it was a member named Isiah and he said, “They’re both famous.” That was the number three answer on the board. A contestant named Nbiyeas then answered, “They’re both rich as hell.” It was the number two answer on the board. Following this, Nwaka said that they had similar hair, unfortunately, that was incorrect.

With one strike remaining, Robert had to get his answer right to save the game for his family, and he said, “They both have a movie.” It was a good answer but not the one Harvey was looking for as it wasn’t on the board. The advantage now firmly shifted to the other family who seemed to have a long discussion about what to say. Michael took on the question on behalf of his family and his answer was, “Ageless.” His daughter, Kaylah, was immediately disappointed and she did not hide her emotions. “Dad, that’s,” she said before calming herself and forcing a clap or two. Harvey picked up on this and it didn’t take him long to make a joke about it. “They told your a**...damn it Michael. She just said, 'Daddy, that ain’t what we told your a** to say!'”
Kaylah understood that she had gone overboard with her emotions for a second and quickly apologized. Well, it might not have been a big deal if she hadn’t because her father had given the wrong answer and handed victory to the other team. Amidst all this chaos, no one thought to say that they were both men as that was one of the answers on the board. Michael threw a glance back at this family when that answer was revealed.