'Family Feud' host Steve Harvey calls out contestant who made an awful joke about his pregnant wife

Steve Harvey has heard a lot of outrageous answers on “Family Feud” but few people have ever shocked him as much as Tarak Suthar. The Suthar family was on the popular game show in a 2016 episode. It was a fun episode but there was one moment that left the long-time host of the show shocked. The seasoned host was not ready when the contestant said something about his pregnant wife that was bound to get him in trouble.
Tarak's wife Sneha was pregnant when the episode was being recorded and even had a name tag with Alaya written on her belly, as a cute gesture to introduce their baby to the world. However, it wouldn’t take long for all that cuteness to turn into a potentially real family feud in the Suthar household. Harvey went to their table and asked the survey question, “Admit it, just once you’d like to tell your wife that she’s what?”

According to a report in the US Weekly, Tarak said, “I’m going to get in a lot of trouble for this. She’s fat.” Harvey was not the only person who was shocked by this answer as every single person in that studio, including the audience, got awkward when they heard those words. Sneha took it like a good sport and playfully slapped her husband’s arm. One can only imagine how she actually felt at that moment.
“[You’re] standing next to her. She’s pregnant with your child. You don’t understand [why she’s put on weight]?” Harvey asked Tarak in disbelief. “Good luck back at the house.” Calling the mother of your child fat on national television is a good way to end up sleeping on the couch for a few weeks. Watch the video of the incident here.

But Tarak’s wild answers did not just end there. He made the audience and Steve Harvey gasp one more time. Thankfully he didn’t body shame anyone this time around. He was competing against a contestant named Mike. The pair were asked the survey question, “Name a kind of place that might have mirrors installed on the ceiling.” Mike pressed the buzzer first but could not come up with an answer.
Tarak, on the other hand, knew exactly what he was going to say. “Strip club,” he said as Harvey once again looked at him in shock. Even his wife covered her face laughing at the answer. Turns out that it was there on the screen so things weren’t all that bad. As the host walked to the Suthar family, Sneha said, “He does what he wants.”
Harvey immediately knew that wasn’t true. “Oh no he don’t,” he said. “That’s a TV answer you just gave me.” Fans in the comments section on YouTube had a field day laughing at the incident. “Lol... he keeps getting into more trouble every time he answers,” one user called @Zoumbiz wrote. “When he gets back home, watch out,” quipped another user named @AlearPaste.