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'Price is Right' host Drew Carey talks about marrying a contestant: "If we got married..."

Drew Carey knows how to get the most out of a hilarious situation and that's exactly what happened.
The Price is Right host Drew Carey during the show (Cover image source: Facebook | The Price is Right)
The Price is Right host Drew Carey during the show (Cover image source: Facebook | The Price is Right)

From Drew Carey to Pat Sajak and iconic predecessors such as Bob Barker, game show hosts are supposed to engage in witty banter with contestants to keep things interesting. But Drew Carey decided to give things a more personal touch during an episode of “The Price is Right,” in 2024 by talking to a contestant about marriage. Things went in that direction because the contestant happened to be named Carey Klingfas, which was somewhat similar to the host's name. It was an unexpected coincidence and being the humorous individual that he is, the host took full advantage of the situation. “I love your name,” he said when he saw the name tag. Carey also added, “If we got married, we’d be Drew Carey Carey Klingfas.” This comment drew laughter from the crowd and even the guest seemed to blush a little as per TV Insider.

Screenshot of Carey Klingfas on
Screenshot of Carey Klingfas on "The Price is Right" (Image source: Instagram | @therealpriceisright)

He then asked announcer George Gray to reveal what the contestant would be competing for. “Well, it’s a fun trip for you two love birds,” Gray said adding to the joke, while describing a trip to Playa del Carmen. All Klingfas had to do was guess the price of the package correctly. He played the Freeze Frame game and correctly guessed the price, $7,695 to win the big prize.

The clip, which was uploaded to Instagram with the caption, “Two Careys are better than one” has received more than 1500 likes and some comments from fans congratulating the lucky winner.

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When Contestants With The Same Name Confused "The Price is Right" Viewers

Such coincidences involving names aren't only seen on "Wheel of Fortune," since two people with similar names also made it to “The Price is Right” stage. This happened during a 2004 episode of the show, when the well known Bob Barker was the host. Here it wasn't the host with whom a contestant share the same name, but instead two contestants had the exact same name.

The show’s announcer had called down one Edward Middlewick from the crowd on the episode and two people ran down the stairs to make their way onto the stage. One was in a red T-shirt while the other was in blue. It was a bit confusing for everyone involved at the moment, even the host. “Now wait, wait. We’ve got two of them here,” Barker said.


The man in blue took his place on the stage after it was confirmed that he was indeed the right person. As the announcer enunciated the last name one more time, the Edward in red realized his mistake and promptly made his way back up to his seat. Barker saw this as a humorous moment and made a timely joke to make the audience chuckle. “He got to come on down further than he would have otherwise you see,” the host said.

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