'Price is Right' player mistook Drew Carey for Steve Harvey and the host's response was just pure gold

“The Price is Right” and “Family Feud” are unique game shows in their own right with popular hosts known for their own signature styles and brand of humor. On one hand, Drew Carey is known for being fun and empathetic, while Steve Harvey is witty and enjoys roasting contestants over wrong answers. Despite this, a contestant ended up mistaking Carey for Harvey, but the host was not offended in the least, and even did an impression Harvey.
It happened when a contestant named Paris Clayton was called to Contestants’ Row and asked to guess the price of a refrigerator according to an article in Daily Express US. “I’m gonna do 1,300 Steve….. Drew,” the contestant said. This cracked up Carey who took this opportunity to turn it into a funny segment. “That’s alright, I understand. He’s a friend of mine so it doesn’t matter. He’s one of my good friends,” he said.
Before the next contestant could get a bid in, the 66-year-old said, “Wait, let me do my Steve Harvey impression really quick.” He then took off his glasses, put a finger over his lip like it’s a mustache, and stared wide-eyed at Clayton. He did what Harvey does every time on “Family Feud” when someone gives him a shocking answer. It was absolutely hilarious and everyone was caught off-guard.
For Clayton, it was a rather embarrassing moment but she redeemed herself as she bid right and was called to the stage. The contestant was then asked to play the Time is Money game in which she was able to bag $8,000. However, her error of mixing up Carey and Harvey will remain on the internet and in the minds of many fans of the show for a long time to come.
When Carey said that he was friends with Harvey, he was not lying. The two have had multiple interactions but perhaps the most popular of them all is when “The Price is Right” host appeared on an episode of “Celebrity Family Feud.” He was facing off against a team led by popular actor and comedian Kevin Nealon. The two captains faced off in the first round of the episode.
Harvey was asking survey questions as is the norm and this time, he asked, “I’ve been known to ___ my own bottom.” Carey was first to the buzzer and he said, “Spank.” That was the number one answer on the board which allowed his team to seal the first round. He got a chance to answer the question again and he said, “Admire,” which was also one of the answers on the board.
Regardless of how the game went, fans loved this interaction of the two biggest hosts in the country. “There's something so satisfying about seeing two game show hosts on the same screen,” one user commented under the clip on YouTube. “It was 30 years ago that The Price is Right crew with Bob Barker was on Family Feud with Ray Combs,” added another.