Woman Resigns From Her Toxic Job Without Any Backup Plan

Nowadays, a majority of the working population finds themselves grappling with the dilemma of enduring jobs they simply don't enjoy. This can be due to many reasons such as dominating bosses, toxic work culture, and lack of fulfillment and satisfaction. The workplace must be such that it makes you get out of bed every Monday morning with the feeling of excitement and thrill. Unfortunately, many people face Monday blues and avoid going to the office. Recently, a TikToker (@tanyadiestelmann) posted a video with an overlay text saying, "When you decide to quit your toxic job" and it went viral with 1.8 million views. Deciding to quit the job is not an easy one, but this woman was so fed up that she left her job without having another plan ready.

Tanya worked at a dental office and started her video by publicly criticizing her employer. She was frustrated as she was asked to attend this "mandatory admin work" meeting in person while others could join virtually. She was more vexed as the meeting was on Zoom and there was no sense of attending a Zoom meeting in the office while others had the leverage to attend remotely. She later posted 3-4 follow-up videos updating her followers about her decision to leave the job with no plan B. She is currently planning to enjoy a month's holiday and give herself a break from this toxic job. Viewers not only applauded her for the decision but also shared their own experiences when they resigned from their toxic jobs sitting in the car while attending meetings. Some were so exasperated with the work culture that they did not think of the consequences post the decision especially about their financial situation but just wanted to get out of the mess.

@Michelle Leigh commented, "I sat in traffic for hours and had daily tolls just to sit in Teams meetings as a data analyst. I quit via post it note, no notice. @Jo Con commented, "They are currently doing this to my friend (with a disability that makes it hard for her to get around). Has to be in the office 3 days a week for no apparent reason when she can work from home". @Naomi commented, "I did that! If a job says never talk about pay then talk! EEOC became my friend when I had to report them for discrimination and they went against ADA".

@user153480569 commented, "HR, no matter what they say, do not care about the employees. They're there for the company". @JenX commented, "I have to spend 2 hours a day in a car twice a week to sit in a cube on Zoom all day. It’s ridiculous". @Chelsea Guava commented, "I quit 1 hour ago and literally said I quit and walked out. They kept making me do jobs that didn't involve the job description that degraded me. Have a new interview on Friday".

@Pete Barteaux commented, "I always say if you don't like your career or job then move on and find better". Some were so exasperated with the work culture that they did not think of the consequences post the decision especially about their financial situation but just wanted to get out of the mess.
You can follow tanacious.d (@tanyadiestelmann) to stay updated.