Employee Earns 30% More After New Boss Asks Him to Punch Working Hours

Corporate buzz with debating on equal pay and toxic employer behavior is going viral. Amidst this, an author and entrepreneur (@courageousleadership) posted a video in the 'bad boss story time' series. She starts narrating the story by reading the headline, "On today’s Bad Boss Story Time, a boss demands employee punch in all work hours, expects to pay him less, but he gets a 30% raise instead". The story starts with a man having a flexible schedule and working hard, sometimes putting in even 60-65 hours, working on holidays, and being available for calls 24/7. Besides this, he shares, "We settled on a contract in which I’d receive a fixed monthly amount with a bonus of an additional salary by the end of every year".

The story takes a turn when the main boss leaves for work-related travel and Gordon, his nephew, who has been working with him for two years takes over as the new boss. Just like every new boss, Gordon, too, had problems from day one.
The man says, "After having worked a full 14-hour shift the day before travel, and also having worked two 12-hour shifts the week before, I was tired, and since we had little to no work to pile up, I took an early leave the first day he was there".
"But to Gordon, all of this sounded fishy and he demanded that I punch in my working hours, and if I didn’t meet the quota, those would be deducted from my monthly pay," said the worker. When the man's uncle found out about this, he told Gordon that the man should be paid overtime for all the extra hours he worked. So, from then on, he got paid by the hour instead of a fixed salary.
The man comments sarcastically, "Gordan was expecting a decrease in my pay. In fact, I usually pull a ******** of overtime, and now my monthly income is 30% higher due to the overtime I started receiving, sometimes it’s even closer to 50% higher, even though I am actually working a little less than before".

@Ash S commented, "I got fired from a job bc the new manager did not see me for over a month. My lead called me a week later saying the manager wants me back". @7HillsKelly commented, "My boss didn’t figure out how much I did until I left. He said after I was gone, 'Why didn’t you tell me how much you did?' I would have appreciated you more. I told him, that’s not my job!!". @Cheesetoast126 commented, "If you've done something right people won't be sure you've done anything at all". @TaraJuliette commented, "At the previous job my new manager couldn't figure out what I was doing, even though I was a one-person department so the answer was everything. So glad I already had my new job by that point".

@LuisLP commented, "Crazy how the better you are at your job (the fewer people think you’re actually doing work)". @kingoftherubberduckies commented, "So it’s literally not a raise. He’s just getting paid hourly instead of salary". @Tug Meboat commented, "My malicious compliance W was with my boss, "If you're not 10 min early you're late". NP, I'll take 54 minutes of OT a week". @Adiafornos commented, "Also, make sure you get your minimum 3 hours of pay for after-hour calls".

Robyn concludes the video by saying, "Well done! This is a classic example of where the manager thinks that the person is doing almost nothing till they actually have to pay them for all the incredible amount of work that they are doing".
@courageousleadership Bad boss story time where the employee gets PAID as a result of boss’s foolish decision #badbossstorytime #maliciouscompliance #corporatehumor ♬ original sound - Robyn L Garrett
You can follow Robyn L Garrett (@courageousleadership) for more videos on corporate culture.