'Price is Right' models once hosted the show — while Drew Carey sweetly presented the prizes

"The Price Is Right" stands out as a show where the models have a bigger role and are often viral for their interactions with host Drew Carey as well as contestants. They're also in the spotlight as they turn rockstars to present prizes and show off their unique talents such as swatting flies with heels. Despite this, Carey remains the center of attention while the models and the announcer are the supporting cast. However, there was a time when the models rebelled and took over the hosting duties from the comedian, while Carey became a model.

In the April Fool's edition of the 2013 season, the models of "Price Is Right" took control of the show, relegating Carey and announcer George Gray to presentation duties. The show started as usual with Carey and model, Gwendolyn Osborne, walking onto the stage. The only difference was that instead of Carey, it was Osborne holding the mic. As Carey tried to take it from the model, she told the host that he was no longer in charge as they were taking over his job because "Models Rule!"

Throughout the show, Orborne, Manuela Arbeláez, Amber Lancaster, and Rachel Reynolds took turns as hosts. Meanwhile, Gray and Carey were busy presenting the various prizes of the show. Carey even had to hit a flip on a trampoline after the host, Arbeláez asked him to. Gray wasn't spared either as the models kept him busy with different duties, from presenting a hot tub to driving the famed "The Price Is Right" prize train. Despite the roles being switched, the show came together perfectly with no hiccups at all.
The models did not miss a beat as they oversaw the various games including the "Money Game", "Switch Switch", "Plinko", "Double Prices", "That's Too Much", "Eazy as 1-2-3", and the "Showcase Showdown" on the show.

In fact, during the 'Double Prices' game, in which the contestant has to pick the correct price from two differently priced items, Arbeláez complimented Drew for his impressive presentation skills. "Wow, Drew! It seems like you have been doing this for years!" she said.
Carey was a darling even during the "Giant Wheel" spins where he helped out the players to get as close as possible to a dollar. Carey did everything from working out at a home gym to taking a nap on a comfy mattress to present the prizes on the show to the lucky participants.
While the models and Carey enjoyed the brief change on the show, fans had a blast watching the episode at home as well. "This is so heartwarming because Drew is such a no-ego host and treats the show as an ensemble cast. You can tell everyone enjoyed themselves and it was great to see how well each of the models can do at hosting or announcing," wrote one fan called @philollenberg, under the YouTube clip of the show.
"My personal favorite of the April Fool's Day episodes. The models were high-energy hosts, and Drew and George were goofy in their reversed roles," @richartrod added.