Excited 'Price is Right' contestant wraps himself around Drew Carey like a koala in wild TV moment

Getting a warm, tight hug from someone who wants to share the joy of victory sounds wholesome, but "The Price is Right" host Drew Carey gets too many of those. Sometimes, they aren't even so great since contestants end up swinging him around or even tackling Carey to the ground in excitement. Larry Lawrence is one of the few contestants who have the distinction of playing the game with both Bob Barker and Carey as hosts. It was natural for him to be overjoyed when he joined Carey on the stage, and so he decided to cling to the host.

In the episode, Larry joined Carey and gave the host a big hug in celebration. Following this, Carey then played an old clip of the player on the show in which he was equally, if not more, excited. The last time Larry went up on the stage, he lay down at the feet of the legendary host, Bob Barker.

Announcer George Gray then revealed that the veteran player would be taking on a new game called "Double Cross." In the game, which is played for two prizes, the centerpiece is a touch-screen board with a big "X". Each side of the "X" represents one of the prizes and consists of 7 numbers. There are two slidable green boxes that can carry four numbers on each side. There is also one number in the middle that is highlighted as it is a common digit in the price of both items.
The player has to slide one of the boxes to move both and adjust them to land on the price of the items. This means that after locking in both the boxes, the four digits in the first box should represent the price of the first item, and the box on the other side should represent the price of the second item with the common digit in the middle.

If the player gets both the prices right, they win everything. If they fail to correctly guess the prices of both items, then the Xs appear in red, indicating a loss. The game does not give second chances to players as they have to get both guesses right in one go. For Larry's game, the two prizes displayed to him were a brand-new 3D HD TV and a luxury hot tub. The player was given the numbers 1,2,3,4,8 for the TV and 1,2,4,5,0,6 for the hot tub. The number in the middle was '9'. Larry took some time to think about his guess before sliding the box. Finally, he locked his guess, which was $3,949 for the TV and $4,295 for the hot tub.
Carey then revealed that the player had got it right and won both prizes. Larry at first took off to celebrate and then came back to Carey to give him a big hug. He took his celebration a step further and wrapped himself around the host like a Koala bear hugging a tree.
Carey couldn't stop laughing as the petite contestant hung on him. The host started dancing with the contestant still wrapped around him to announce the win.