'Price is Right' contestant picks up his wife and runs in the wildest 'come on down' moment

Contestants on “The Price is Right” stand a chance of winning big prizes such as trips and cars once they make it through Contestant's Row. But most of them don't wait till they bag prizes before celebrating, and instead show off their antics from worm dances to tackling the host, on their way to the stage. Once in a while, there are contestants who take things up a notch and make a memorable entrance. Just like a military coupe did, when they were called to be part of the popular game show.
David and Mandy Fuller were over the moon when announcer George Gray called their names. Instead of normally making their way down from their seats to Contestants’ Row, they decided to do something unique. David bent over and his partner jumped on his back. Mandy piggy-backed on him to the front and it was a segment that the audience loved. Even Drew Carey was impressed as he was heard laughing in the background.
“Yeah,” the host said as they made their way to the front. Mandy even managed to get a few high-fives from other members of the audience while she was on her partner’s back. While this was a memorable segment, there are plenty of instances where contestants have made their way down with unique gestures when asked to “come on down.”
One of them was a contestant named Edward, who fell on his belly on the aisle and performed a weird worm dance as he crawled all the way to Contestants’ Row. Granted, it was not the perfect rendition of the dance step but it was still memorable.
“There he goes,” Carey had said at the time, before adding “Worming down the aisle.” However, Contestants’ Row doesn’t guarantee that contestants will get to play for the prizes. There’s always a chance that they don’t make it to the stage and have their moment with the host. Edward knew this and took matters into his own hands. He went on stage, hugged Carey, and struck the pose of a ballroom dancer before taking his place in front of the stage.
It seems like dancing down the aisle when your name is called is a popular method of being memorable with the fans. Similar to Edward, a contestant named Fredwayna danced on her way down, when her name was called by the announcer. She got off her seat and twerked her way down as Carey said, “Back it up.”
Luck was kind to her that day as she not only got a chance to be on stage, but she also won the game she played in the nick of time. Her signature celebration step was twerking but after she won the game, she fell on the floor in excitement.