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'Family Feud' host Steve Harvey tells 'stupid' contestant to 'stop now' after his answer about Miami

The host regretted celebrating the answer as it could put his relationship in jeopardy.
Screenshots showing the exchange on Family Feud  (Cover image source: YouTube/Family Feud)
Screenshots showing the exchange on Family Feud (Cover image source: YouTube/Family Feud)

Although families turn up as teams to play for big prizes on "Family Feud," they often end up embarrassing each other with raunchy answers or responses that leave even Steve Harvey scandalized. While some questions prompt X-rated answers, others get contestants into trouble at home. However, there was a time when host Steve Harvey got in trouble too for a player's risky answer. 

 Steve Harvey at a ceremony to receive a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame (Image source: Angela George/Wikimedia Commons)
Steve Harvey at a ceremony to receive a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame (Image source: Angela George/Wikimedia Commons)

In a recent episode of the show, Harvey and a contestant Tommy found themselves sailing in the same boat. In the weeknight game show, Tommy's team decided to play a question after winning in the buzzer round. The question was, “Name an American city where they know how to party." Playing the round, Tommy wasted no time in sharing an elaborate response. “Steve, you know it’s always hot on South Beach in Meeee-yami (Miami)!” he yelled to the host. 

Screenshot showing Tommy answering the question  (Image source: YouTube/Family Feud)
Screenshot showing Tommy answering the question (Image source:​)

As teammates began to applaud his answer, Harvey also joined the fun. As he giggled his way to the podium, the player also showed off dance moves, pretending to be partying in South Beach. “You had a good time down there, Tommy?” Harvey asked the player.  “Oh yeah, Steve!” Tommy confirmed as the duo shared a high-five.

Screenshots showing Harvey celebrating with the player  (Image source: YouTube/Family Feud)
Screenshots showing Harvey celebrating with the player (Image source: YouTube/Family Feud)

However, it didn't take long for Harvey to realize what he had just done, and he interrupted the dance to say, “You’re getting married, and I’m already married, We should not be jumping up and down like this.” He went on to add, “Me and you [are] stupid,” as he admitted the celebration could get him into trouble. “Let’s stop now," Harvey asked the player before checking if his response showed up on the board. 

Screenshots showing Harvey regretting his decisions  (Image source: YouTube/Family Feud)
Screenshots showing Harvey regretting his decisions (Image source: YouTube/Family Feud)

Despite that, Harvey couldn't help himself and shouted out, “South Beach Miami, baby!” as he pointed to the survey board. Luckily for Tommy, the answer did appear on the board in the sixth position. As Harvey and Tommy celebrated, the clip ended with a big red "DIVORCED" stamp on their picture. 

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The comical moment went viral on social media with viewers joining in on the fun. "'Me and you are stupid, let's stop it now' this words were coming from Steve's heart," @MyOpinion12909 wrote on YouTube. 

"He knows how to cheat 🤣🤣🧔🏻🧔🏻" suggested another user @captain.uky on Instagram

This wasn't the only time when a player's response almost got them divorced. In another such instance, a player named Terre also got the same "DIVORCED" stamp for his answer. In the episode, Terre answered the survey question, "Name something that could bite you if you were making love outside," with "Your lover." Realizing his mistake, quickly looked to the camera and said, "Hi, wife. Hi wife. I miss you!" in an attempt to make up for it. "I liked the way you did that," Harvey joked. "Yeah. Gotta speak to the wife, especially if she ain't bit you outside," the host added. 


Like Tommy, Terre's answer also showed up on the survey board as "My Kinky Lover" with two votes. Also like Tommy, his clip ended with the red "DIVORCED" stamp, implying that he got into trouble at home. 

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