CEO Sends Late-Night Email Encouraging Work-Life Balance | 'That CEO Might Be Low-Key Testing You'

At work, we come across several incidents that are good to share with others. Consider Steve, who works for an organization and is a father of two children. His new boss sent an email that made him stop and consider the importance of work-life balance. The CEO sent an email late at night but with a message to respond to it only during working or suitable hours. People are wondering if is it really necessary, or is it just extra when we can schedule emails?
Just got an after hours email from my new CEO and noticed he added this little disclaimer. You love to see it.
— The Tortured Steve Department (@IGoBySteve) April 23, 2024
Steve, also known as @IGoBySteve, posted a short story about his CEO on April 22, 2024. "I just spotted this small comment included in an email I received after hours from my new boss. What a wonderful sight," he tweeted.
"Well Being Notice," the note began, and it continued, "Are you receiving this email outside of regular business hours? Each person has a different way of juggling work and life. This was sent at a time that works for me. Please respond when it's convenient for you."
While some, like Steve, praised the CEO's move, others weren't so sure about his intentions. "Don't fall for it. That CEO might be low-key testing you," one of the top comments warned. "You don't HAVE to reply right away, but your decision might be noted." "We're hopeful that's not the case, as the CEO seems genuine."

Even when there is a disclaimer included, people disagree over whether it is acceptable to send emails after business hours.

Although the CEO promotes work-life balance, many respondents felt that real respect for this would be to reschedule the email for a time that works better for everyone. Since they will continue to receive notifications and add more tasks to their list, most people don't want to read their emails after work. Some people fear they won't remember to reply the following workday.
It is possible, though, that there are no set hours for this work and that people come and go during the day. Employees may finish activities in the evening because some employers allow them to multitask, such as caring for children or cooking.
Some folks were so blown away by the CEO's email sign-off that they promised to swipe it for themselves! His understanding that his approach might not suit everyone is what makes him stand out. If Steve seems to dig the disclaimer as one of his employees, count us in, too.
Work-life balance trend after the pandemic
After the pandemic, people care more about having good conditions at work to be happy. According to a World Economic Forum survey, 34% of employees won't continue in a toxic workplace, and 48% would resign if their jobs interfered with the chance to enjoy life. However, there's concern that improving work conditions would no longer be a top priority given that over 225,000 individuals were laid off in the tech sector alone in 2023.
It's unknown if things will improve for juggling work and life after COVID-19. Some businesses are experimenting with innovative ideas like remote work and a 4-day workweek. However, some are returning to traditional methods, which stresses employees. This shows that views on how to achieve work-life balance are still divided.