'Price is Right' host Drew Carey makes a brutal joke on contestant after she misses out on $200,000

Drew Carey is usually a friendly host who likes to help out contestants on “The Price is Right,” and also sympathizes with those who lose out. But he decided to joke about a contestant named Amanda when she was unlucky on the game show. She was called to the stage as she correctly guessed the price of a pilates bench and had already won that as a prize. When she went on stage, Carey informed her that she would be playing the Time is Money game.
The rules of the game are simple. There are five items and three tables, each representing a price range. A contestant’s job is to correctly place the items in the price brackets that they belong to. Only 10 seconds are allotted for this task. The contestant who pulls it off stands the chance of winning a whopping $200,000.

The five items Amanda had were a pack of C batteries, Tide stain-removing wipes, an eight-ounce package of cream cheese, a bottle of Power Aide, and a can of Goya tomato sauce as per Express. The three tables had price ranges of 0-$2.99, $3-5.99, and $6 and up. After her first try, it was revealed that Amanda got it wrong, so she was given a second chance but this time, there was a catch.
She had initially placed the tomato sauce and the Power Aide on the first table, the cream cheese on the second, and the batteries and the wipes on the last. Despite multiple tries, she never got it right and Carey said, "You got a pilates machine to work out the stress," which was a brutal joke for the woman in that situation.
@mandapandaprojects You can watch the full episode on Paramount plus, CBS dot com (or app), or with Hulu Live subscription! So disappointed I didn't win anything except the Pilates machine, but it was THE best experience of a lifetime and amazing memories were made! #priceisright #comeondown #yourethenextcontestant #drewcarrey #fiveminutesoffame #PIR #PriceIsRightLive ♬ original sound - Manda Panda Projects
Amanda took losing in Time is Money quite well but the same cannot be said for every single contestant. In the earlier days of the show when Bob Barker was the host, a contestant named Linda was called down and she was playing the Three Strikes game for a Pontiac. In this game, a contestant would draw numbers from a bag and guess where it went in the price of the car. However, if one draws three red X marked tokens then they’d be out of the game.
Many people believe 7 to be a lucky number but it was not the case for Linda. She drew 7 three times and never got its position right in the price of the car. She also drew an 8 and a 5 and guessed their positions correctly. However, before these two successes, she had drawn two strike tokens meaning that her chances of winning were already pretty bleak.
The nervousness was clear on her face with every draw and when the third strike token came out, she did not attempt to hide her frustration. She threw it into the bag where it came from and stormed off the stage as Barker went on with the rest of the show.