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'Price is Right' host Drew Carey breaks his mic after a famous actor surprised him during game

Drew Carey has seen a lot of things on the show and he was still surprised by this.
Screenshots showing the comedian and Drew Carey on "The Price is Right" (Cover image source: YouTube | Price Is Right)
Screenshots showing the comedian and Drew Carey on "The Price is Right" (Cover image source: YouTube | Price Is Right)

"The Price is Right" is filled with excitement and anticipation about the fate of contestants as well as the unexpected moments on the sets. But the audience still craves surprises and guest appearances often receive loud cheers from the people while pranks get an even louder reaction, especially if they're targeted at Drew Carey. It happened when the popular comedian Jonathan Mangum appeared on "The Price is Right" out of nowhere and startled the host to the point that he damaged the show’s equipment.

On an April Fool’s edition of the show, a contestant named Domenick was playing a game and it seemed to be an intense moment. Domenick might have won $2,000 if he got the price of a can of refried beans right. As Carey lifted the panel to reveal the actual price of the item, he saw Mangum sitting behind it and eating the beans.

Screenshot showing Drew Carey and Jonathan Mangum on
Screenshot showing Drew Carey and Jonathan Mangum on "The Price is Right" (Image source: YouTube | BuzzerBlog)

However, the attention was completely diverted by a shriek let out by Carey when he saw Mangum. The host, who had seen all kinds of things go down on the show was still surprised and he dropped the microphone from his hand. “Hey Drew, how are you doing?” Mangum asked with a smile on his face, still gobbling the beans.

“What’s up, Jonathan? Jonathan Mangum everybody,” the host said when he was handed a new microphone. “Nice to see you brother, what’s going on? That was an honest surprise,” he added. Fans loved the moment as well and they shared the excitement in the comments section. “I couldn't stop laughing when I first saw this on TV,” user @PianoMagnet3 commented. “Mic drop....LITERALLY,” quipped @christophercotton9048.


Apart from the comedian, the models supporting Carey also like to have fun at his expense. Drew Carey got a taste of this as well when the long-time model on “The Price is Right” Manuela Arbelaez played a hilarious April Fool’s prank on him. She arrived at the studio before anyone else and went straight to the hair and makeup team. The artists did a fantastic job and made her look like a random crew member allowing her to blend in with the others. She even walked past Carey once and he didn’t suspect a thing.

“People don’t know what’s coming. People are not ready,” she said. Once the show was on, it was time for her to set the plan in motion. Manuela hid behind one of the games’ panels while the show was being recorded. When Carey saw her for the first time, he had no idea what was going on. It took him a little while to understand what was going on but when he did, he could not help but laugh out loud.

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She uploaded the whole thing on Instagram and fans absolutely loved it. “Even all that stuff can't keep that cuteness from shining through,” one user called @billycarter1a commented. “Saw this episode and didn't even realize it was Manuela. Nice disguise,” user @jlosito59 added.

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