Check out the Latest Platform in the Market Research Space Connecting Firms to Freelancers

Freelancing is not just a part-time job or side gig for everyone, since many recognize it as full-time employment that pays well. Businesses are now more inclined towards recruiting freelancers and understanding what their customers want. This requires a handful of thorough market research which provides insightful information on the statistics as well as the trends. Market research is not just about focusing on numbers but it helps businesses explore consumer behavior, competitor analysis, and upskilling factors. There are several websites designed where companies can find and hire professional freelancers who are well-known for their understanding of market research and upcoming trends.

Now the market is undergoing significant changes thanks to the newly launched market research platform QueSights, founded by Harris Interactive ex-employees. The company is founded by Jim Heisler, Howard Lax, and Larry Brown to give employers and freelancers a fair chance to communicate on a premium platform. QueSights is a market research freelance platform offering specialized market research, insights, and analytics services for companies looking to hire professional freelancers. It works like a digital marketplace where a client comes to hire a freelancer based on requirements, talks about the terms and conditions, and finalizes a deal. Clients can be companies or individuals looking for extra research or information on a particular project. Freelancers listed on the platform can be hired for a specific time period, totally depending upon the company's requirements that can be for short-term projects, fixed-term contracts, or even for full-time jobs.
The platform is built for companies, research agencies, employers, and freelancers who can come, talk, and exchange talent for their mutual benefit. Jim Heisler clarified the company's vision and said, “Our aim at QueSights is to streamline the connection between top-tier talent and the companies that require their specialized skills. “Employers can now bypass the clutter of irrelevant listings and find the perfect match for their needs". The founders further recommend QueSights as it is not a regular freelancing platform and is focused on empowering businesses to delve into the world of research, insights, and analytics. With the increasing complexity of the businesses and market conditions, the ability to perform reliable market research is becoming difficult. There is a list of challenges that businesses face while conducting a productive research. It starts from a lack of budget where companies want the number but do not want to invest in the process which results in mutable and unreliable data.
Secondly, companies are not invested in educating their employees about how market research and its tools work. You can outsource a set of market research projects to a freelancer, but it is very crucial for the company to at least understand the results received. There are several tools, research, and analysis methods that can help understand what's happening in the market and how the company plans to compete. Establishing a robust data collection process can also help the company to simplify the market research projects and hence make data-driven decisions that will make your company supersede the competitors.