Walmart Shopper Purchases Every Great Value Frozen Pizza | 'I'm Not the Only One Taken Aback'

We all have been in situations where we are standing in the billing queue of a store and someone in front has a cart full of party items. This often leads us to wonder about the event they are purchasing the stuff for. Recently a TikToker (@franciscocorcia) posted a nine-second video clip capturing an entire, not-so-ordinary purchase. The video starts at the Walmart checkout line where a shopper ahead of Corcia is seen stacking up an excessive amount of Great Value brand Rising Crust frozen pizzas priced at $4.44 each box. The recording contains an overlay text with audio expressing disbelief, "It’s hard to mind your own business when someone's hoarding all the pizzas. And I’m not the only one taken aback".

The video then captures the shopper's cart loaded with pizzas. He then shows in slow-motion the cashier's subtle side-eye aimed at the pizza-hoarding customer which is hilarious. The trend of buying in bulk and then reselling on platforms such as Amazon is now becoming more frequent. This has become common and a productive side hustle. One woman recently showcased how she made money buying jars of Miracle Whip from Ollie’s and later reselling them on Amazon. While some viewers argue that it might be for some fundraiser or other events; it can also be used in some house party or other function. However, Corcia clarified the mystery and said, "According to the cashier, he sold them at a car meet across the street".

@miss sabina commented, "I wanna know if they have to scan each one in or can they can one and multiply it on screen". @glazhorp commented, "I just KNOW that cashier was craving pizza bro". @Deniseeeeeh commented, "Me behind you trying super hard not to judge the chicken without a bag AND the cheese puffs touching it!!!". @Arrow commented, "As a former cashier I felt that eyeroll in my soul". @K commented, "The best part is when they tell you how many so they don’t have to take them out but you still gotta take them out".

@DudettRin101 commented, "I haven't figured out where they work yet, but we have 2 ladies that come up 2-3 nights a week and buy every single tombstone pizza we have. as well as any of the others that happen to be on sale". @thournefairy14 commented, "When I worked at Sam's Club we had a lady come buy 60 take-and-bake pizzas twice a week. Turns out she owned a skating rink about 10 minutes away".

@Shannaes Bling and Things LLC commented, "This could be for a party, fundraiser, anything. There are many options. I was in a group home as a teenager. Staff shopped like this to feed all of the girls". Other users are taken aback by the whole video and whimsically comment about the cashier's look amidst the pizza order. Many commentators on the post either were former cashiers or were currently working and shared their own similar experiences at the store
You can follow Corcia Corp (@franciscocorcia) for more such videos.