'Price is Right' contestant follows fiance's advice to win herself the perfect wedding gift

Competing on "The Price Is Right" and winning big is a major life event and a special memory for fans of the show. Apart from making dreams come true, the show has hosted mass weddings and gender reveals to make those events even more special for people. Similarly, on one episode, it was bride-to-be Danielle's turn to make her wedding special by winning a special gift for her on the show.

As she joined Drew Carey, the host revealed that by the time the episode was scheduled to go on air, the player would be married to Michael, who was sitting in the audience.

The show's announcer, George Gray, then revealed that Danielle could get a brand new Ford Focus as a wedding gift if she won the 'Pocket Change' game. The classic game features a large board with six lit-up digits and 20 envelopes as the centerpiece. The contestant is given 25¢ as pocket change, which is also the "selling" price of the car.
In the game, the player is provided the first digit in the price of the car and they have to guess the remaining digits which are amongst the six displayed numbers. With each correct guess, the player gets to pick one envelope from the lot that contains 0, 5¢, 10¢, 25¢, 50¢, 75¢, or $2.

However, with each incorrect guess, the price of the car goes up by 25¢. Thus, the goal is to keep the cost of the vehicle as low as possible and earn enough money to afford the selling price. If the contestant guesses all five digits correctly, the price of the car remains 25¢, and they automatically win. In Danielle's game, she got the number '2' as the first digit in the price of the car. The additional digits given to her were 1, 8, 5, 0, and 4. For her first pick, she turned to the audience for help, and many suggested that she go with a '4'. However, her fiance signaled her to pick a '0,' and Danielle went with that. His hunch turned out to be correct as the second digit in the price of the car was 0.

For her second pick, she again went with the suggestions and picked '4,' getting two right in a row. She kept the momentum going by correctly picking the number 8 for the third digit. Danielle was inches away from a clean sweep with just one blank space on the board. However, she made her first error in her last pick and the price of the car went up to 50¢. "Oh man, if she picked a bunch of nickels, it means no car," Carey exclaimed. The one remaining digit was 1 on the board, which made the actual retail price of the car $20,481.
After picking up her last envelope, Danielle looked to the host who was about to reveal how much pocket change she had earned. Her first envelope yielded 10¢, taking her total to 35¢. The second gave her 5¢, and the very third envelope won her the car as it was worth 25¢, which took her total to 65¢.
The contestant gave the host a big hug to celebrate as her fiance cheered her on from the audience. "That's a great wedding present! Congratulations!" Carey said before moving on with the show.