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'Price is Right' host Drew Carey stunned as contestants turn the stage into dance floor with wild moves

The host is experienced but he never saw what was coming when the mother-daughter duo were elated.
Screenshots showing the contestants and Drew Carey on Price Is Right (Cover image source: TikTok/The Price Is Right)
Screenshots showing the contestants and Drew Carey on Price Is Right (Cover image source: TikTok/The Price Is Right)

Drew Carey has been the face of "The Price Is Right" for quite some time and has carried forward the legacy of iconic hosts that came before him with his wit and charm. However, sometimes, even the seasoned host is taken aback by the actions of players who go overboard while celebrating. In one such incident, Carey turned a bit pink as a mother and daughter duo danced on him to celebrate their "Grand Game" win.

Screenshot showing Drew Carey's reaction (Image Source: YouTube/Price is Right/Entertainment Tonight)
Screenshot showing Drew Carey's reaction (Image Source: YouTube/Price is Right/Entertainment Tonight)

In the episode, the mother and daughter duo, Sharol and Tionna took on the Grand Game to win some extra money.  In the game, contestants get a chance to win up to $10,000 by picking grocery products under a target price. The players can see $1 to begin with and are given a target price. Six different grocery items out of which four of them cost less than the target price are displayed to them.  All the players need to do is pick out the four items that cost less, and with each correct pick, a zero is added to their $1 prize. If they get all four items right, they get to take the "Grand Prize" of $10,000 home.


For the mother-daughter duo, Carey revealed the target price as  $6.50. “All you have to do is tell me which four [are under that price], and every time you get one right, we’ll add one zero to that board," he explained. 

The six grocery items for the duo included a 16-ounce container of "Mom’s Best Cereals Quick Oats", one "Scrub Daddy’s Scrub Mommy Scrubbing Sponge", a six-count box of "Nestlē’s Abuelita Hot Chocolate Tablets", a 25-ounce jar of "Yo Mama’s Spicy Marinara Tomato Sauce", one 0.34-ounce box of "Mommy’s Bliss Baby Probiotic Drops", and an 11-ounce package of "Grandma’s Frozen Noodles Wide Egg Noodles".

Screenshots showing the contestants and one of the grocery items (Image source: TikTok/The Price Is Right)
Screenshots showing the contestants and one of the grocery items (Image source: TikTok/The Price Is Right)

To begin the game, Carey asked the players to pick the item that they were sure cost less than $6.50. After a brief discussion and with some help from the audience, they picked the egg noodles as their first item. This turned out to be correct as the noodles had a price tag of $4.29. 

For the second item, the team made the correct guess as the oats were priced at $3.29. They went on to make another correct guess with the Scrub Mommy sponge, earning a total of $1,000. 

“You guys have $1,000; you can stop right now if you want because if you get the next one wrong, you lose everything,” Carey told them reminding them of the risk. “You do get an extra nine grand if you get this next one right," he added.  After some deliberation, the team decided to carry one and go for the big prize.

For their fourth pick, they took a little more time and some suggestions from the audience before landing on the hot chocolate. The host then revealed that the price of the product was $5.49 which meant they had won $10,000. 

Screenshots showing the contestants celebrating their win (Image source: TikTok/The Price Is Right)
Screenshots showing the contestants celebrating their win (Image source: TikTok/The Price Is Right)

Jubilant about their victory, the two started running and jumping around the stage to celebrate. After bumping into each other they ran over to Carey and started griding near the host. Carey was blushing and that clearly showed that he wasn't prepared to handle the situation. 

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Viewers in the comments too felt the energy of the players and cheered their win. "They bumped up BIG win...🔥🔥🔥✅🎯💯❗👌✌️🙏 nice one," @themoultonpot wrote.

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