World's First Trillionaire in Next 10 Years? Oxfam Survey Shows a Possibility

In the next 10 years, something extraordinary might happen–we could witness the world's first trillionaire, a person with a whopping one thousand billion dollars! This surprising prediction comes from Oxfam International, a group dedicated to fighting poverty. Recently, Oxfam looked into the growing gap between the super-rich and the rest of the world, and the findings are eye-opening.
Widening wealth gap amplified by the pandemic
Oxfam pointed out that the inequality divide which was already a concern has become even more extreme due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The five richest individuals on the planet, including big names like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Warren Buffett, have seen their wealth shoot up by a staggering 114% since 2020. To put it simply, these billionaires have more than doubled their fortunes while the rest of the world is grappling with economic challenges.

Billionaires' boom amidst global poverty
Imagine this. Elon Musk, the guy behind Tesla and SpaceX, is currently the richest person globally, with a jaw-dropping $250 billion to his name. However, as incredible as this sounds, the pandemic has taken a toll on nearly 5 billion people, making them poorer. It's like there are two different worlds–one where a handful of people are getting incredibly wealthy, and another where billions are struggling to make ends meet.
Amitabh Behar, Oxfam's interim executive director, stressed the alarming nature of this situation, calling it a "decade of division." He highlighted a stark reality–while the top five billionaires are doubling their wealth, almost 5 billion people are experiencing increased poverty. It's a global issue that needs attention and action.
The trillionaire might be equal to a country's wealth!
Oxfam predicts that within the next decade, we might see a trillionaire emerge. This person, who isn't even on the current list of the richest individuals, would have as much wealth as the entire oil-rich country of Saudi Arabia. It's hard to fathom the immense scale of such wealth!
The impact of events like Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022 has added to the challenges. This conflict led to a surge in energy and food costs, hitting the poorest nations the hardest. This global scenario is unsettling and calls for urgent measures to address the growing disparities.

G20 Summit
With Brazil hosting the Group of 20 (G20) summit – a gathering of major industrial and developing nations – Oxfam sees an opportunity to raise awareness about these inequalities. They suggest practical steps like imposing permanent taxes on the wealthiest individuals worldwide, ensuring corporations pay their fair share of taxes, and intensifying efforts to combat tax avoidance.
To break it down further, Oxfam used data from Forbes to show that the combined wealth of the top five billionaires skyrocketed from $340 billion in March 2020 to a staggering $869 billion in November 2023 which was a nominal increase of 155%. This mind-boggling growth in wealth for a few while billions face increased hardship underscores the need for serious and immediate action to address global economic inequality.

Oxfam's call to action urges leaders and policymakers to address these disparities and work towards a more equitable future for everyone. The next decade could either see a positive change in this trajectory or further intensify the division between the super-rich and the rest of the world.