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'Family Feud' host Steve Harvey breaks his mic and throws it at contestant over his wild answer

Harvey couldn't control his laughter, but the player kept insisting that he was right.
Screenshot showing Steve Harvey throwing the mic at a contestant (Cover image source: YouTube | Family Feud)
Screenshot showing Steve Harvey throwing the mic at a contestant (Cover image source: YouTube | Family Feud)

By now, "Family Feud" viewers have become accustomed to Steve Harvey's dramatic reactions, funny expressions, and antics whenever a contestant comes up with a stupid or x-rated answer. At times, Harvey even comes across as rude and even throws things around on set, but contestants and the producers take it in the right spirit. But the host went overboard once and ended up breaking a podium mic to hit a contestant in a blunderous move.

Screenshot showing Steve Harvey's reaction (Image source: YouTube/Family Feud)
Screenshot showing Steve Harvey's reaction (Image source: YouTube/Family Feud)

In the episode, Harvey had called on two players, Marlin representing the Meachem family and Tim representing the Henderson family. He asked them, "Name someone Minnie Mouse might call if she found out Mickey Mouse cheated on her." Marlin hit the buzzer first and shocked Harvey when he answered, "Bugs Bunny!" The host nearly lost his balance while laughing out loud. This did not shake Marlin's confidence as he said, "It's going to be up there". 

Harvey, who was rolling with laughter at this point, assured Marlin that the answer wouldn't be on the board. When the contestant kept insisting that he was right, the host reached for his mic, bent it, and took off a piece from it to throw at the player and shut him up.

Screenshots showing Harvey trashing the mic
Screenshots showing Harvey trashing the mic (Image source: YouTube/Family Feud)

Turns out that Harvey was right since the answer did not show up on the board. It seemed like Marlin wasn't aware that Bugs Bunny and Micky Mouse appeared in different cartoon universes. Following Marlin's blunder, Tim came up with a more logical answer and said, "Donald Duck." It did turn up on the board, and the turn then went to the next member of the Henderson family, Chloe. "I know she is telling her girl Daisy about it," the player said. The answer showed up on the board as well, earning the family more points.

Screenshot showing Harey askin the question to Chloe
Screenshot showing Harey askin the question to Chloe (Image source: YouTube/Family Feud)

The next was Caiti, who came up with the quirky answer "Goofy." Her response scored more points for the family before Terry answered, "Mortimer Mouse," and earned the family their first strike. Next was the team leader, Jess, who came up with the creative answer of Loretta Cow. While her family cheered her for the response, Harvey seemed stunned on the other hand. The host's hunch was right, and the answer earned the team their second strike. 

The question went back to Tim, who came up with the funny answer, "Mighty Mouse," which wasn't on the board. This meant that the team lost the chance to sweep the game. 

Screenshot showing Harvey reading the question from the podium
Screenshot showing Harvey reading the question from the podium (Image source: YouTube/Family Feud)

It was an opportunity for the Meachem family, who did not seem to have their cartoon knowledge in order, as they once again came up with an outrageous response. "Steve, we are going to go with Cinderella!" the team's leader, Char, yelled. After this, Harvey simply threw away his cards and started laughing while holding his stomach.. 

Screenshots showing Harvey's reaction
Screenshots showing Harvey's reaction (Image source: YouTube/Family Feud)

The player explained that the family's kids had grown up, so they didn't know much about cartoons. "I don't watch this stuff anymore," she said. However, the excuse did not work on Harvey, who said he would leave the show and go home if the answer showed up on the board. 


Luckily for the show, the answer did not show up on the board, and Harvey stayed on the set to play another game.

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